
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday October 28, 2015

Today's Learning:
Guest presentation: 'Kananaskis in the Classroom' SOIL and CONSERVATION Interpretive Program
Movement Break
Learning Commons Book Exchange
Assembly practice
Guest Presentation follow-up in our classroom - see review questions below
Music - pls see Music blog
Body Break
Assembly practice
Drama - 'Ugly Pumpkin' skit practice

Ask me:
- what the soil cycle is?
- what does 'decompose mean'?
- how fruit decomposes?
- why do we need soil?
- what helps to move around soil and decompose things?
to order the following items  from least amount of time it takes to decompose, to greatest amount of time to decompose: pop cycle stick, pop can, paper plate, tin food can, plastic milk carton, plastic container, plastic bag, orange peel
- what item takes 5 months to decompose?
- what item takes a century to decompose?
- how many years is a century?

 practice curiosity response for assembly tomorrow
- bring a costume for 'Ugly Pumpkin' skit

Reminders and Notices:
- ASSEMBLY tomorrow!!!!! :) Last chance to practice speaking my 'curiosity question' for the microphone on Thursday's assembly
- bring costume to wear tomorrow afternoon *must be able to change into it over lunch time* (no masks, weapons, food or candy please
- bring costume for our 'Ugly Pumpkin' play
- Hot Soup tomorrow
- YMCA tomorrow for those who attend

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