
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday October 20, 2015

Today's learning:
- Grade 3 SLA Literacy
- music: pls see music blog
- gym - outside: ball skills (overhand and underhand throws)
- Curiosity question writing
- Class meeting: students practicing speaking in front of the whole class

Ask me:
- about the SLA literacy question: what kind of school did I create?
- to read you my curiosity question response
- how I enjoyed the hot soup today

- practicing my curiosity question, speaking slowly and clearly (this does not have to be memorized but each student should be very comfortable with the words)

Reminders & Notices:
- Kids World dinner and activities tonight!
- Learning Commons Book Exchange tomorrow - pls bring all books to return, renew or exchange
- Choir tomorrow at lunch
- some students have letters in their backpack, pls check
- pink winter jacket notice in backpack
PICTURE DAY – Monday, October 26th
-all students will be in the class photo and receive a free copy of the class photo
-if you wish to have an individual photo of your child please complete the notice your received yesterday
-write your child’s name & grade and choose a pose and a background
-your child will bring this notice to school on Monday, October 26th and give it to the photographer

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