
Friday, October 2, 2015

Fri October 2, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Silent Reading
- Gym
Class meeting - "curiosity" (October's virtue)
- Literacy - SLA online preparation LITERACY
- Story - "This is the House that Jack Built"
- Learning Commons computer lab - SLA prep with Gr. 3/4 class
- Silent Reading & Blog
- Literacy - Sensory sentence sharing, peer feedback and edits
- Body break
- Art: seasonal sketching *house

Ask me:
- what is October's virtue? curiosity.... how am I curious? I wonder....
- to show you how to sketch a log cabin
- what is another word that means CURIOUS?
- what is a "measuring tape"? and do we have one at home?  can you please show me?
- what does "forlorn" mean?

- RAZ Reading - 1-2 books
- Let's measure some things in our home - we can use a ruler, construction measuring tape or a sewing measuring tape.
- Vocabulary: forlorn, curious.  Let's look up these words in a book dictionary or a online children's dictionary!

At the last parent/teacher conference, several parents had indicated that they would like to receive the blog message through an email reminder.  I have tried to initiate this from my end, but I was unsuccessful.  Please do this yourself by opening up our class blog.  On the top right-hand corner, there is a bar that you may enter your email address “to receive the blog through email”.  Please let me know if you have further difficulties. 
- Board of Trustees notice in backpack of youngest student in family
- Choir notice - pls sign and return  by Wednesday, October 14. 
- Gr. 3 SLAs - Monday October 5 LITERACY; Tuesday October 6 MATH

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