
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thurs October 8, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Class meeting: "curiosity" is October's virtue
- Music - pls see music blog
- Gym
- Story: "My House"
- Literacy: Autumn Sensory Sentences
- Math - points, adding using tally marks and sorting using "least to greatest"
- Body Break
- Art - turkey sketches

Ask me:
- about the compound words we talked about today
- to sketch you a turkey
- how many points I received this week?
- what does "least to most" mean?
- how to spell 'Autumn'.  What is the silent letter at the end?
- ask me to count by 5s to 100

- what does the word 'kin' mean? use a paper dictionary or online children's dictionary. Compose a sentence using this word
- compose 2 excellent "I wonder......" sentences (what are you curious about), example: "I wonder why I can see the moon in the morning." "I wonder why a flamingo is pink."  "I wonder how skin gets a suntan."  "I wonder how a plane flies.")
- organize something(s) in your house from the "least to most"
- counting by 5s to 100
- what is a dozen?  Who uses this word?  what is a 'baker's dozen'?
- have a discussion with an adult and talk about how you see, hear, feel, smell and taste Autumn.  Share your ideas that you wrote about this morning.

- Please check your child's backpack - I may have put a note for you in there :)
- Choir notice - pls sign and return  by Wednesday, October 14. 
- No school for students tomorrow - PD Day
- no school on Monday - Thanksgiving Day.  I hope you enjoy this time with your family. Gobble, gobble.... ;) 
- Please check your child's backpack (*compound* word) for a coupon for a FREEEEEEE dozen eggs. If your child did NOT receive a coupon, we are waiting to receive more.  We will send them home when we can!

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