
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Wednesday October 21, 2015

Today's learning:
Literacy - apostrophe and Hallowe'en words
- Learning Commons book exchange
- Science: 'Architectural Design' - LEGO building
- Gym: ball skills
- Music - pls see music blog message
- Body Break
- Literacy: curiosity question research

Ask me:
- what is an 'apostrophe' used for (2 reasons - to show possession "Mrs. Turk's shoes" and to take the place of a letter in a 'contraction' "I didn't (did not) go to sleep last night."

- practice writing using the apostrophe
- practice curiosity question response for assembly

Reminders & Notices:
- Hot Soup tomorrow
- return pink jacket notices (if you would like one) and picture form for pose

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