
Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday October 26, 2015

Today's learning:
Class meeting: individual practicing of assembly presentation
Literacy - capitalization and ending punctuation
Story: Curious George
Math: 'round robin' in different groups, practicing addition and subtraction
Gym: basketball skills
Fine Motor Exercises to improve concentration
'Architectural Design' - building LEGO structures
Body Break - outside
Literacy - writing task practicing capitalization and ending punctuation

Ask me:
- what is a 'proper noun'?
- when do we use upper case letters in writing
- what are 3 kinds of ending punctuation?
- what LEGO structure did my group build today?

- more practicing of curiosity responses for assembly.  practice sheet in my backpack

Reminders & Notices:
- practice my 'curiosity question' to speak into the microphone at our assembly on Thursday!
- Hot Soup tomorrow
- Kids World dinner and activities tomorrow

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