
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thurs Oct 1, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Silent Reading
- Class meeting: more discussion about "what makes a house a 'home'?
- Music: pls see music blog for specific learning tasks
- Literacy: SLA online practice as a large group on the SMART Board, LITERACY
- Math - basic facts, round robin game
- Gym
- Story: "A House is a House for Me"
- Silent Reading and Blog message
- SLA practice, online as a large group on the SMART Board, MATH
- Body Break
- Literacy: sensory sentences "what makes a house a home?"

Ask me:
- what I wrote about for my "sensory sentences"?
- to explain the math "round robin" circle game
- (Gr. 3 students) - do I feel ready to take the online/digital SLA tests next week?
- how I enjoyed the hot soup today - mmmmmm - beef rice!!!
- if I brought home a Choir notice (help me check my backpack)
- about new academic vocabulary: lines: horizontal (root word: horizon), vertical

Math - basic facts practicing, for speed and accuracy.  While this is not in the curriculum, it is certainly a valuable life skill that I believe everyone should acquire.  Here are some ideas to help your child memorize their basic facts: flashcards, math apps/websites (best with a timer), license plate math: when seeing a plate during a drive/walk,  ask your child to add or subtract the numbers. Additionally, you could play a speed game with your child - see who answers the fastest, (why not have a race between a sibling, friend, or relative? Lastly, simply calling out the question and having your child answer back while you drive/walk/cook, etc.  *Practice doesn't have to be too structured.  The idea is, that the more exposure and repetition your child receives, speed and accuracy will improve. Supporting websites: Cool Math, Turtle Diary, Starfall, Brainpop.

Vocabulary words: We talk about the words/terms/phrases/topics posted on the blog every day.  We also have these words posted on our class bulletin board for viewing and referral. Initially, students were encouraged to research these words at home, either online or in a dictionary, or ask parents.  Some students came to school with a memorized definition, while others knew the general idea and paraphrased, in their own words.  Either was fine, and both guided our discussion.  As I am not looking for a specific definition, discussion abut these words/terms/phrases/topics at home is very helpful as your child familiarizes themselves with a new concept.
A good children's dictionary website is: www.kids.wordsmyth.net
Screen name: A.Turk   Password: Words

- Choir notice in backpack of interested students - pls sign and return  by Wednesday, October 14. 
- PINK October Newsletter & Calendar of Events in backpack
- Gr. 3 SLAs - Monday October 5 LITERACY; Tuesday October 5 MATH

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