
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday October 29, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting
Assembly preparation and practicing
Hallowe'en Activities: coloring, word search
'Ugly Pumpkin' Skit prep: line practicing, props, setting and costume making
PERFORMANCE: 'Ugly Pumpkin'

Ask me:
- what I was most proud of in our assembly this morning
- how I can be safe during night time trick-or-treating
- to show you my Hallowe'en Word Search and coloring sheet

- 2 RAZ Reading Books
- Study the following questions for a quiz on Monday:
     - what the soil cycle is?
     - what does 'decompose mean'?
     - how fruit decomposes?
     - why do we need soil?
     - what helps to move around soil and decompose things?
     to order the following items  from least amount of time it takes to decompose, to greatest amount          of time to decompose: pop cycle stick, pop can, paper plate, tin food can, plastic milk carton, plastic   container, plastic bag, orange peel
     - what item takes 5 months to decompose?
     - what item takes a century to decompose?
     - how many years is a century?
Reminders and Notices:
I was sooooo proud of every one of my students for speaking at the assembly today!  Even though technology wasn't behaving, the children did a SPECTACULAR job!  AND, we had so much fun preparing for this big event!
- PD Day tomorrow *no school for students*
- Grade 2 students, please return signed dental forms by November 9
- Enjoy the long weekend with your family!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday October 28, 2015

Today's Learning:
Guest presentation: 'Kananaskis in the Classroom' SOIL and CONSERVATION Interpretive Program
Movement Break
Learning Commons Book Exchange
Assembly practice
Guest Presentation follow-up in our classroom - see review questions below
Music - pls see Music blog
Body Break
Assembly practice
Drama - 'Ugly Pumpkin' skit practice

Ask me:
- what the soil cycle is?
- what does 'decompose mean'?
- how fruit decomposes?
- why do we need soil?
- what helps to move around soil and decompose things?
to order the following items  from least amount of time it takes to decompose, to greatest amount of time to decompose: pop cycle stick, pop can, paper plate, tin food can, plastic milk carton, plastic container, plastic bag, orange peel
- what item takes 5 months to decompose?
- what item takes a century to decompose?
- how many years is a century?

 practice curiosity response for assembly tomorrow
- bring a costume for 'Ugly Pumpkin' skit

Reminders and Notices:
- ASSEMBLY tomorrow!!!!! :) Last chance to practice speaking my 'curiosity question' for the microphone on Thursday's assembly
- bring costume to wear tomorrow afternoon *must be able to change into it over lunch time* (no masks, weapons, food or candy please
- bring costume for our 'Ugly Pumpkin' play
- Hot Soup tomorrow
- YMCA tomorrow for those who attend

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday October 27, 2015

Today's learning:
Class meeting
Assembly practice
Drama - Hallowe'en skit practice: highlighting our part in the script
Literacy - capitalization practice for proper nouns and "I" and beginning of sentences
Music - please see music blog
Body break
Art - spooky art

Ask me:
- about my character in the "Ugly Pumpkin" play
- what kind of costume I will plan for my 'Ugly Pumpkin' play character
- to practice speaking my 'curiosity question' response
- about capitalization - can you quiz me with people places or important 'things'?  let's have a discussion about what should be capitalized!

- practice speaking my 'curiosity question' to speak into the microphone at our assembly on Thursday

Reminders & Notices:
- Kids World dinner and activities tonight!
- ASSEMBLY on Thursday!!!!
- Grade 2 dental forms: due back November 9
- Choir tomorrow at lunch
- Learning Commons Book Exchange tomorrow - pls bring all books to return, renew or exchange
- Hallowe'en on Thursday: students are invited to wear a costume on Thursday afternoon - no weapons or masks please: makeup is ok.  students will change into their costume after they eat their lunch. we will not be having a party and please do not send any food (snacks or candy) with your child to share or distribute.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday October 26, 2015

Today's learning:
Class meeting: individual practicing of assembly presentation
Literacy - capitalization and ending punctuation
Story: Curious George
Math: 'round robin' in different groups, practicing addition and subtraction
Gym: basketball skills
Fine Motor Exercises to improve concentration
'Architectural Design' - building LEGO structures
Body Break - outside
Literacy - writing task practicing capitalization and ending punctuation

Ask me:
- what is a 'proper noun'?
- when do we use upper case letters in writing
- what are 3 kinds of ending punctuation?
- what LEGO structure did my group build today?

- more practicing of curiosity responses for assembly.  practice sheet in my backpack

Reminders & Notices:
- practice my 'curiosity question' to speak into the microphone at our assembly on Thursday!
- Hot Soup tomorrow
- Kids World dinner and activities tomorrow

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday October 23, 2015

Today's learning:
Class meeting - individual practicing speaking of curiosity responses
Story: new curiosity questions
Learning Commons - last chance to finish up typing of responses and accompanying pictures
Science: 'Architectural Design' - LEGO Building sets
Math - points adding.  math sentences using checks, tallies and minuses
Body Break
Art: Scary evening scene

Ask me:
- about my spooky artwork
- how I enjoyed pizza lunch
- what did my group build in our LEGO centre?
- what design challenges did we have today, when we built our LEGO structure?  How did we solve this problem?
- what does 'stability' mean?  how did my group improve stability in our LEGO structure?
- if I was a cooperative group member during science centers
- to read a story or 2 that I brought home to read this weekend
- Why do Tulips close at night? Why do stars twinkle?
- individual practicing speaking of curiosity responses (*check your child's backpack for their practice sheet!)
- RAZ Reading - 2 books

Reminders & Notices:
- our class is hosting the assembly next Thursday at 11am.  We hope you can attend!
- YMCA on Monday for those attending
- School photos on Monday!!! Bring back your pose and color selection

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday October 22, 2015

Today's learning:
Class meeting
Music - pls see music blog
Science - 'Architectural Design' - building with LEGO
Gym: ball skills (basketball)
Story:  Why do Stars Twinkle? (A curiosity book)
Literacy - finish typing curiosity question responses using laptops
Art - create  picture to go with our curiosity questions

Ask me:
- what is a 'hypothesis'?
- what is a 'reflection'?
Curiosity Questions:
- why do a cat's eyes glow?
- is there a man in the moon?
- where does the sun go at night?
- why can we see the moon in the morning?
- what did my group create with LEGO?

- practice 'curiosity question' response for our assembly next Thursday morning

Reminders & Notices:
- School PHOTOS on MONDAY!
- pizza lunch tomorrow for those attending

Wednesday October 21, 2015

Today's learning:
Literacy - apostrophe and Hallowe'en words
- Learning Commons book exchange
- Science: 'Architectural Design' - LEGO building
- Gym: ball skills
- Music - pls see music blog message
- Body Break
- Literacy: curiosity question research

Ask me:
- what is an 'apostrophe' used for (2 reasons - to show possession "Mrs. Turk's shoes" and to take the place of a letter in a 'contraction' "I didn't (did not) go to sleep last night."

- practice writing using the apostrophe
- practice curiosity question response for assembly

Reminders & Notices:
- Hot Soup tomorrow
- return pink jacket notices (if you would like one) and picture form for pose

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday October 20, 2015

Today's learning:
- Grade 3 SLA Literacy
- music: pls see music blog
- gym - outside: ball skills (overhand and underhand throws)
- Curiosity question writing
- Class meeting: students practicing speaking in front of the whole class

Ask me:
- about the SLA literacy question: what kind of school did I create?
- to read you my curiosity question response
- how I enjoyed the hot soup today

- practicing my curiosity question, speaking slowly and clearly (this does not have to be memorized but each student should be very comfortable with the words)

Reminders & Notices:
- Kids World dinner and activities tonight!
- Learning Commons Book Exchange tomorrow - pls bring all books to return, renew or exchange
- Choir tomorrow at lunch
- some students have letters in their backpack, pls check
- pink winter jacket notice in backpack
PICTURE DAY – Monday, October 26th
-all students will be in the class photo and receive a free copy of the class photo
-if you wish to have an individual photo of your child please complete the notice your received yesterday
-write your child’s name & grade and choose a pose and a background
-your child will bring this notice to school on Monday, October 26th and give it to the photographer

Monday October 19, 2015

Today's learning:
- Grade 3 SLA - Math Performance task
- Curiosity Question research in the Learning Commons
- Literacy: writing curiosity question sentences
- outside gym

Ask me:
- to read my curiosity question and writing, because I will share it on the microphone in our assembly next week
- (grade 3 students who completed the SLA test today) what was the math question about?

- basic facts for speed and accuracy
- RAZ reading

Reminders & Notices:
- Picture notice in backpack
- Grade 3 SLA - Literacy performance task tomorrow! rest up tonight!
- Hot Soup tomorrow
- Kids World dinner and activities tomorrow

Friday, October 16, 2015

Fri October 16, 2015

Today's learning:
SLA Math Practice - problem solving
Math - points - tally marks, multiple numeral addition
Learning Commons - Curiosity question research
SLA Literacy Practice - graphic organizers, sentence composition, adding detail, topic sentences, YOWZA words, interesting/exciting concluding sentence
Body Break
Art - Scarecrow sketching

Ask me:
- what is a 'tally'?  How many does it represent?  can I show you?

- researching my curiosity question
- talk with an adult at home - what is important about your curiosity question?  how can you make your assembly speech exciting?
- write 5 interesting sentences that answer your curiosity question

Reminders & Notices:
- YMCA on Monday for those attending
- Grade 3 SLAs this Monday and Tuesday morning - make sure to get extra rest and bring a water bottle!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thurs October 16, 2015

Today's learning:
SLA Literacy Performance task practice 'Would a red fox be a good pet?  Why or why not?'
     - after watching informational videos, plan my writing using a graphic organizer
     - writing a topic sentence
     - including detail and YOWZA words in my writing
     - write an exciting sentence to finish my writing
Music - pls see music blog
     - researching my 'curiosity question'
     - taking 'jot notes' (only writing down the important words)
SLA Math practice - how to spend $75 at the pet store
Body Break
Class meeting - compound words, skip counting in large group circle, blog message

Ask me:
- how my 'curiosity question' research is going?
- did I go into 'open commons' after I ate my lunch, to research my curiosity question?
- about our math question where I had to figure out how to spend $75
- what are 'jot notes'?
- what does 'reflection' mean?

- practice counting by: 2s, 5s and 10s
- research my curiosity question

Reminders & Notices:

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wed October 14, 2015

Today's learning:
- SLA Literacy practice
- Learning Commons Book Exchange
- SLA Literacy practice continued
- Gym - ball skills and counting by 2s, and 5s
- Silent reading - curiosity question research
- Blog
- music - pls see music blog
- Body break
- SLA Math practice

Ask me:
- what is a 'kit'?
- what does 'nocturnal' mean?
- what is a 'graphic organizer' and what do we use it for?
- more about my 'curiosity question' - I will share my research on a microphone at our assembly on Thursday October 29 at 11:00am!!!
- what is an odd number?
- what is an even number?
- about choir club today at lunch - did I go?
- did I go to open commons to research my 'curiosity question'?
- if I would have a red fox for a pet? why?
- to count to 101 by odd numbers

- research my 'curiosity question'
- practicing counting by 2s, 5s, 10s and odd and even numbers

Reminders & Notices:
- Hot Soup tomorrow *pls remember to pack additional food as the soup portion is not enough for a lunch meal
- YMCA Club tomorrow, for those who attend
- Room 1 Assembly - Thursday October 29 at 11:00am PARENTS WELCOME!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tues October 13, 2015

Today's learning:
- Class meeting: compound words, 'kin', curiosity questions
- Literacy: creating curiosity questions to guide our inquiry
- Literacy: Autumn sensory sentences - editing for adjectives and YOWZA words
- gym: ball skills
- Math: counting by 2a, 5s, 10s and 100s
- Independent, silent reading & blog message
- music - pls see music blog
- Body break
- math -counting by 2s, 5s, 10s and tally marks

Ask me:
- to show you my "curiosity question".  It is on a yellow sticky note in my backpack
- can I count by 2s to 100, 5s to 100, 10s to 200, 100s to 1000

- check the internet for some information on my curiosity question research
- discover more interesting compound words
- practice the following: counting by 2s to 100, 5s to 100, 10s to 200, 100s to 1000

Reminders & Notices:
- Blue pizza notice in backpack. Pizza lunch next Friday!
*pls remember to pack extra food for your child to eat when we have soup days, as the bowl of soup is not enough for a full lunch meal*
- Kids World tonight!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thurs October 8, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Class meeting: "curiosity" is October's virtue
- Music - pls see music blog
- Gym
- Story: "My House"
- Literacy: Autumn Sensory Sentences
- Math - points, adding using tally marks and sorting using "least to greatest"
- Body Break
- Art - turkey sketches

Ask me:
- about the compound words we talked about today
- to sketch you a turkey
- how many points I received this week?
- what does "least to most" mean?
- how to spell 'Autumn'.  What is the silent letter at the end?
- ask me to count by 5s to 100

- what does the word 'kin' mean? use a paper dictionary or online children's dictionary. Compose a sentence using this word
- compose 2 excellent "I wonder......" sentences (what are you curious about), example: "I wonder why I can see the moon in the morning." "I wonder why a flamingo is pink."  "I wonder how skin gets a suntan."  "I wonder how a plane flies.")
- organize something(s) in your house from the "least to most"
- counting by 5s to 100
- what is a dozen?  Who uses this word?  what is a 'baker's dozen'?
- have a discussion with an adult and talk about how you see, hear, feel, smell and taste Autumn.  Share your ideas that you wrote about this morning.

- Please check your child's backpack - I may have put a note for you in there :)
- Choir notice - pls sign and return  by Wednesday, October 14. 
- No school for students tomorrow - PD Day
- no school on Monday - Thanksgiving Day.  I hope you enjoy this time with your family. Gobble, gobble.... ;) 
- Please check your child's backpack (*compound* word) for a coupon for a FREEEEEEE dozen eggs. If your child did NOT receive a coupon, we are waiting to receive more.  We will send them home when we can!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wed October 7, 2015

Today's Learning:
Independent silent reading
Class meeting - "peer"
Fine Motor Skills Exercises
Learning Commons Book Exchange
Literacy - sharing sensory sentences and class feedback
Body Break
Literacy - large group brainstorming "Fall/Autumn" vocabulary words

Ask me:
- about the new books I borrowed from the learning commons today
- can I read one of my new books to you?
- what a 'compound word' is.
- "How can you see, hear, taste and see Autumn?" Have a discussion about our 'seasonal words' - apple, orange, squirrel, carrot, bonfire, harvest, acorn, hibernate, yellow, blanket, cider, migrate, cornstalk, drifting, jack-o-lantern, crunchy, leaves, leaf, rake, yellow, orange, crunchy windy, chilly, cool, pile, scarecrow, gourd, pumpkin, corn, acorn, apple, harvest, blanket, cider, quilt, squirrel, acorn, migrate, frost, hay ride,
- what does "migrate" mean and who does it?  why? what does 'hibernate' mean?  Who hibernates?

- ask me to spell some of our Fall/Autumn vocabulary words above
- bring some compound words to share tomorrow
- basic facts practice for speed and accuracy

- Choir notice - pls sign and return  by Wednesday, October 14. 
- Hot Soup tomorrow and YMCA for children in this program

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday October 6, 2015

Today's Learning:
Independent, silent reading
Class meeting
Literacy - sensory sentences
SLA - MATH assessments for Gr. 3s.  Grade 2s join the other grade 2s
Music - pls see music blog
Body break
Additional music

Ask me:
- what are the learning tasks in music class
- Grade 3s - how was the SLA Reading Assessment?
- to share my "house" sensory sentences.  what did I edit today?
- what is a "peer"
- what is a "yowl" word?  How did I use this in my sensory sentences today?

- RAZ reading - 1 book
- discussion with adult:  "what 3 things does a plant need?"  "how does a leaf absorb air and sun?" "how does a plant get its food?"

- Kids World dinner and activities tonight!  FUN!
- Choir notice - pls sign and return  by Wednesday, October 14.
- book exchange tomorrow - bring all lib ray books! 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting
SLA - Grade 3 Math
Independent, silent reading
Class meeting - "forlorn", "curiosity"
Literacy - "curiosity" sentences & bookmarks

Ask me:
- what I thought of the SLA assessment
- what does "forlorn" mean?

- if possible, pls send your child with a water bottle for easy access to a drink whenever needed.

- Choir notice - pls sign and return  by Wednesday, October 14. 
- hot soup tomorrow
- Gr. 3 SLA tomorrow
- Kids World dinner and activities tomorrow night!  FUN!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Fri October 2, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Silent Reading
- Gym
Class meeting - "curiosity" (October's virtue)
- Literacy - SLA online preparation LITERACY
- Story - "This is the House that Jack Built"
- Learning Commons computer lab - SLA prep with Gr. 3/4 class
- Silent Reading & Blog
- Literacy - Sensory sentence sharing, peer feedback and edits
- Body break
- Art: seasonal sketching *house

Ask me:
- what is October's virtue? curiosity.... how am I curious? I wonder....
- to show you how to sketch a log cabin
- what is another word that means CURIOUS?
- what is a "measuring tape"? and do we have one at home?  can you please show me?
- what does "forlorn" mean?

- RAZ Reading - 1-2 books
- Let's measure some things in our home - we can use a ruler, construction measuring tape or a sewing measuring tape.
- Vocabulary: forlorn, curious.  Let's look up these words in a book dictionary or a online children's dictionary!

At the last parent/teacher conference, several parents had indicated that they would like to receive the blog message through an email reminder.  I have tried to initiate this from my end, but I was unsuccessful.  Please do this yourself by opening up our class blog.  On the top right-hand corner, there is a bar that you may enter your email address “to receive the blog through email”.  Please let me know if you have further difficulties. 
- Board of Trustees notice in backpack of youngest student in family
- Choir notice - pls sign and return  by Wednesday, October 14. 
- Gr. 3 SLAs - Monday October 5 LITERACY; Tuesday October 6 MATH

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thurs Oct 1, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Silent Reading
- Class meeting: more discussion about "what makes a house a 'home'?
- Music: pls see music blog for specific learning tasks
- Literacy: SLA online practice as a large group on the SMART Board, LITERACY
- Math - basic facts, round robin game
- Gym
- Story: "A House is a House for Me"
- Silent Reading and Blog message
- SLA practice, online as a large group on the SMART Board, MATH
- Body Break
- Literacy: sensory sentences "what makes a house a home?"

Ask me:
- what I wrote about for my "sensory sentences"?
- to explain the math "round robin" circle game
- (Gr. 3 students) - do I feel ready to take the online/digital SLA tests next week?
- how I enjoyed the hot soup today - mmmmmm - beef rice!!!
- if I brought home a Choir notice (help me check my backpack)
- about new academic vocabulary: lines: horizontal (root word: horizon), vertical

Math - basic facts practicing, for speed and accuracy.  While this is not in the curriculum, it is certainly a valuable life skill that I believe everyone should acquire.  Here are some ideas to help your child memorize their basic facts: flashcards, math apps/websites (best with a timer), license plate math: when seeing a plate during a drive/walk,  ask your child to add or subtract the numbers. Additionally, you could play a speed game with your child - see who answers the fastest, (why not have a race between a sibling, friend, or relative? Lastly, simply calling out the question and having your child answer back while you drive/walk/cook, etc.  *Practice doesn't have to be too structured.  The idea is, that the more exposure and repetition your child receives, speed and accuracy will improve. Supporting websites: Cool Math, Turtle Diary, Starfall, Brainpop.

Vocabulary words: We talk about the words/terms/phrases/topics posted on the blog every day.  We also have these words posted on our class bulletin board for viewing and referral. Initially, students were encouraged to research these words at home, either online or in a dictionary, or ask parents.  Some students came to school with a memorized definition, while others knew the general idea and paraphrased, in their own words.  Either was fine, and both guided our discussion.  As I am not looking for a specific definition, discussion abut these words/terms/phrases/topics at home is very helpful as your child familiarizes themselves with a new concept.
A good children's dictionary website is: www.kids.wordsmyth.net
Screen name: A.Turk   Password: Words

- Choir notice in backpack of interested students - pls sign and return  by Wednesday, October 14. 
- PINK October Newsletter & Calendar of Events in backpack
- Gr. 3 SLAs - Monday October 5 LITERACY; Tuesday October 5 MATH