
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wed Sept 9, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class Meeting - what is your address? Discussion and directions: how would someone get there if they left from our front school doors? 
Learning Commons Book Exchange
Writing - our next 2 "important" sentences
Gym - warmup -    cooperative game - 
Story - house focus - "If I Built A House"
Music - African drumming
Body Break - Go Noodle
Art - Virtue bookmarks

Ask me:
- what my address is?  Mrs. Turk is going to ask each of us tomorrow!
- can I give you directions to get to our house, starting from the front door of the school?
- about my courtesy bookmark - what did I draw
- what quadrant of the city do we live in?  NE? SW? NW? SE?
- "what is Go Noodle"?
- what cool rooms were in our story's house?

- Raz Reading - 1 book
- have you memorized your address yet?
- please help me to memorize 1 emergency telephone number

Parent Info (Meet the Teacher) evening TOMORROW - Thursday, September 10th
-all families welcome (students, parents/guardians)
-doors open @ 6:30 pm and the evening ends at 7:30 pm
-meet all the teachers and others from our community
*learn more about our school and your community

It is quite cold in the mornings, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the cooler weather.

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