
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wed Sept 23, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting:
- student led discussion about digital citizenship
- Learning Commons Book Exchange
- Art - video of oil pastel application, practice on whiteboards
- Story and discussion: "Animals at Home"
- Music
- continued art
- More Music with Mrs. Sagness

Ask me:
- "who lives in a mound? a cocoon? warren? burrow? lodge? drey?

- do you have your emergency phone number and address memorized?
- Grade 3 students will take the online SLA tests in literacy and math on October 6th.  At home preparation can be done online: copy and paste link below into internet browser  https://public.education.alberta.ca/assessment
- RAZ Reading

If you have not already done so, please book an interview time with me - tomorrow evening 4:15 - 8pm or Friday morning 8-12:15pm.  I look forward to meeting all of you!
- We are having a whole school assembly tomorrow afternoon from 1-1:30. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend.  Our class will be sharing our "hallway poem"
Terry Fox Run
-we will hold our Terry Fox Run during our Virtue Activity Day on Tuesday, September 29th (weather permitting)
-we will be collecting coins to donate to Cancer Research as a part of the Marathon of Hope started by Terry Fox
-please bring nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies or twonies to school on Thursday, September 24th, Monday, September 28thor Tuesday, September 29th
-any spare change will help
Harvest Party - Tues September 29, 6-8pm. Vista Heights Park. Valleyview Road and Veiner Park Street. Taste the food from the garden and get warm by the fire. 

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