
Monday, September 28, 2015

Mon Sept 28, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Silent Reading
- Gym with the Gr. 3/4 class: 5 laps, morning stretches and relay races
- Class meeting: seasons, Fall/Autumn, gourds
- Story: "Terry Fox A Story of Hope"
- Gr. 3 SLA preparation - completion of online practice exams; Gr. 2s worked on educational apps on the iPods
- Math - Measurement - perimeter and units of measure
- Presentation - Digital Citizenship
- Body Break
- Class meeting & discussion: what is our brain "house"

Ask me:
- who was Terry Fox and what did he do?
- how is Vista Heights helping Terry?
- how I enjoyed the free lunch today (beef chili, caesar salad, bun, juice box and rice crispy square)
- ask me what a "gourd" is
- what do these words mean? recovery, amputate, research,
- what does "perimeter" mean?
- what is a centimeter?  meter? kilometer?
- what unit of measure did they use to track Terry Fox's run? (centimeter, meter or kilometer?)
- what is another name for Fall?
- what does our "upstairs brain" have control over?
- what does our "downstairs brain" control?

- do I finally have my emergency phone number and address memorized?
- discuss how our family makes our house a "home"

- thank you to those who attended the parent/teacher conferences.  I enjoyed meeting you all.  For those who were unable to attend, please call or email me to set up an alternative time to meet.  My email is: alturk@cbe.ab.ca
- TOMORROW - every Tuesday evening the "Kids World" Outreach program will serve a hot dinner and play games for interested families, 5:30-6:45pm. This is not a school event; students and families participate on their own accord.
- Terry Fox run and Virtue Day tomorrow!  Pls dress appropriately for the weather.
 (weather permitting) from 9:00-11:45 am
-we will be collecting coins to donate to Cancer Research as a part of the Marathon of Hope started by Terry Fox
-please bring nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies or twonies to school tomorrow
-any spare change will help- slight change in date..... Room 1, Grade 3 students will take the SLA exams on the morning of Tues, October 6 - Math,  Thurs October 8 - Literacy

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