
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tues Sept 8, 2015

Today's learning:
Silent Reading
Class meeting - dentist thank you email
Laptops - signing in and RAZ Kids Reading
Cleaning Up Story with Mrs. Dillon
Writing - 2nd sentence for "Important writing" "(S)he loves to ________ and has ________   ________."
Gym - Noodle Tag, Compass Running game
Story: Who's House?
Class meeting + Blog
Body Break
Writing - "House writing"

Ask me:
 - about the "important" sentence I wrote
- about our new student
- what a beaver makes his house out of
- where a frog makes his home
- what my student ID and login password is
- to show you RAZ Reading

Help me to memorize my address

- please return your forms
- Book Exchange tomorrow - please bring your books to exchange for new ones! :)
- "Meet the Teacher" this Thursday from 6:30 - 7:30

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