
Friday, September 11, 2015

Fri Sept 11, 2015


What a wonderful evening last night!  Thank you to those who attended.  I enjoyed meeting families from our school, especially parents of children in my class.  If you were unable to attend, please feel free to drop in any time to meet me and view our learning space.  Additionally, if you need to contact me, please do so through email.  My email is :     alturk@cbe.ab.ca

Today's Learning:
- Class meeting - "what is your emergency phone number?" "what is your address?"
"what kind of shapes do you see in your house and outside?"
- Writing: using laptops, typing up "important paragraphs"
              - technology skills: clicking, dragging, saving on the server, changing the font and size, changing the lay out and orientation
- Firedrill practice
- Story: "Home" - discussion of shapes and different houses in different cultures, animal houses
- Blog message
- Inquiry project: "House" - whole class internet image research: shapes: 2D and 3D
- Gym: outside - cooperative games: Red Light/Green light
Inquiry project: Brainpop "homes" videos
     - academic vocabulary: community, address, apartment, rural, suburban, building, population, length, width, depth
Virtue of the month: "Courtesy" Brainpop video

Ask me:
- what is the 6th magic manner?
- to share and read my 2 library books with you
- some math facts: 4+2, 8-3, etc..... by the end of the year, our goal is to have our math facts MEMORIZED for quick and easy recall.  This life skill will greatly assist your child in their math throughout their LIFETIME!
- about my nature name tag
- about "open commons" - who can go? when? and what do we do there?
- about our firedrill practice
- let's discuss the academic vocabulary listed above

- look up "norse god" - is this real? or a fictitious character
- MEMORIZE my emergency telephone number and address
- 1 RAZ Kids Reading book
- research: the professional name of a person who designs a house or building

- please dress warmly for the cooler weather

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