
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wed Sept 2, 2015

Welcome back! And welcome to Room 1's Blog!

We will be using a classroom blog to ensure that information is shared between home and school promptly. Information will be posted as necessary. Parents are encouraged to read each day’s blog – www.vistaheightsschool.blogspot.ca Click on Mrs. Turk’s Blog. On occasion, your child will be bringing home a plastic folder which will contain important information for you to review. Please check the blog and your child’s backpack each day for any updates.

School begins at 8.50 am. After the bell rings, all Room 1 students will assemble outside the south-facing field entrance. *Please do NOT drop your child off in the parking lot. Students arriving later than 8:55am are LATE and must check in with the office to receive a late slip before proceeding to the classroom.

Lunch 12:00-12:45pm.
 - Go home for lunch: parent pick up the student from the school
-Lunch at school: Lunch supervisor will supervise the students. Please ask the office for more information and complete the lunch supervision form online (school website, click "parents", click "forms".   *Brown Bag lunches are available - parents need to request a Brown Bag Lunch, please contact the office for access to this program.
-ESG Daycare: A representative of the Daycare will pick students from the west entrance.
*Please inform us of any other Child Care Facilities.

School Dismissal: 3.08 pm. Please ensure that your child is picked up at this time. If you are unable to pick up your child at 3:08, please call the office at (403) 777-6000.

"Meet the Teacher" Night - September 10th from 6:30-7:30pm.  Families are encouraged to drop in this evening to meet their child's teacher - appointment time not necessary.

Healthy Snacks/Lunch: Eating healthy is an important part of             
the student school code.  Please ensure that your child has eaten breakfast before arriving at school.  Please ensure your child has a nutritious snack   and lunch each day.  *All students are welcome to join the free breakfast program provided by our school that begins at 8:10am each day. If you are interested please contact the office.

Some nutritious food ideas include: fruit, vegetables, yogurt, muffin, cheese etc. and drinks. All students are welcome to bring water bottles to school each day (with their names on them).

Students are encouraged to eat their snack only and not share the food due to various food allergies of their classmates. Please inform me if your child has any allergies or any other medical conditions.
Note: We are a peanut aware school.

We ask parents/guardians to respect the fact that some students have serious food allergies. Please DO NOT SEND any cakes, cupcakes or other treats to school for any celebration.
*Birthdays will be acknowledged over the morning announcement and with a birthday pencil.

What does your child need to bring each day to school?

Indoor running shoes

Nutritious snack and snack

*Please put your child’s name on all clothing: jacket, sweater, shoes, backpack, and personal belongings

Forms: Please fill out and return the purple "Media Media Release" form and return to the school at your earliest convenience.  The "School Fees" form and "Health Form" can be downloaded from our school webpage:  http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b239/ 

Library Books: Students will have an opportunity to borrow and exchange books from the library (learning commons) every day. Parents are encouraged to read these books with their children each day. Please help your child establish routines to take good care of borrowed books.

Volunteers: Parents are welcome and encouraged to volunteer both in the classroom and on field trips. If you’re interested please visit the school secretary, Mrs. Mckie for applicable forms and information.

-       Please ask your child to tell you about specific learning each day 
-       Specific, assigned homework will be communicated through the blog post, so please visit the blog each day.
-       *5min+ nightly reading and math facts practice is strongly encouraged – RAZ Kids Reading is an excellent online reading program – Access through the school website: http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b239/   Click on RAZ Kids Reading, Password is your child’s student ID #
-       Weekly Vocabulary Lists will be posted in the Monday blog and quizzed on Friday or the last day of the week.

Today's Homework:
September study: Room 1 students will be discovering/exploring the concept of a “house” and “home”.  Please have a discussion with your child about the number and names of rooms in our house. Each child will have the opportunity to share their findings tomorrow.


I value the child as strong, capable and resilient; rich with wonder and knowledge. Every child brings with them deep curiosity and potential and this innate curiosity drives their interest to understand their world and their place within it. I am excited to provide your child with meaningful experiences, opportunities for engaged learning and foster independence. My learning tasks are carefully crafted to include academic rigor and purpose. I look forward to a great year of partnership with you in helping your child learn, grow and blossom to be successful, contributing members of society.

Please feel free to contact me anytime by email: alturk@cbe.ab.ca or by calling the office 403-777-6000.


Mrs. A. Turk

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