
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thurs Sept 17, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting:
     - phone number and address check
     - academic vocabulary discussion
     - review of Room 1 Expectations:
               - listen carefully LOOK! Follow directions, the first time, Work quietly. Do not disturb         others who are working. Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions.  Use your MANNERS! Respect the school and personal property.  Work and play safely.

Ask me:
- about the "Wild About Weeds" program that we took part in today
     - what is a "weed"?
     - what is the name of a weed that looks like a dandelion? (yellow, but more stiff?) "sow...."
     - what are some names of some weeds that grow in Alberta? (dandelion, stink weed, sow Alberta
- let's talk about demonstrating "courtesy" in our home
- can I challenge you to some fine motor skills exercises? Can you twirl a pencil between your fingers? Let's have a pencil race!

- does your child have their phone number and address memorized?
- research - what is the professional name of a person who studies plants?

- notice in backpack regarding our practice evacuation tomorrow morning.  Pls dress appropriately for the weather and remember to wear comfortable shoes!
- please visit our school website to book an interview time with Mrs. Turk next week (Thursday 4:15 - 8pm and Friday 8-12:30).  The online booking system is now up and open for business!  :)

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