
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tues Sept 29, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Vista Heights Virtue Day & Terry Fox Run (morning activities)
- Class meeting & discussion: what is our brain "house"
- Music
- Body Break
- Math - measurement review
- Art: introduction to sketching

Ask me:
- what were some of the virtue stations? what were my favorite?
- what is my "upstairs brain" responsible for? (keeping me calm, making good decisions) what happens in my "downstairs brain"? anger, fear

- have a family discussion about "what makes a house a home?"
     - How would you complete the following sensory sentences:
            - I like to see.....
            - If you listen carefully, you can hear.....
            - I can smell......
            - I like to feel....

 - book exchange tomorrow - pls bring all library books and overdue books!
- Head Lice notice - in your child's backpack
- Tonight:  every Tuesday evening the "Kids World" Outreach program will serve a hot dinner and play games for interested families, 5:30-6:45pm. This is not a school event; students and families participate on their own accord.

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