
Monday, September 14, 2015

Mon Sept 14, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Silent reading
Class meeting:
     - Ahhhhhhhh! we forgot to share our findings about "norse men" and the name of a professional who designs houses or buildings - what is he/she called?
- Math: Grade 2 and 3 assessments (pre-test)
- Writing - laptops to type up Important paragraphs
- Story: "Come Over to my House"
- Gym - 4 laps, Compass Running game, Crackers and Crumbs, Red Light/Green Light
- "Edmonton Spelling Quiz"
- pencil grip check - many students in our class need reminders to hold their pencil correctly.  These students were given a triangle pencil, and 3 dots on their fingers, which should remind them how to hold the pencil properly.
- SLA Preparation with Mrs. Johl's Gr. 3s and 4s (Gr. 2s went to Mrs. Brar's class for gym activities)
- Blog

Ask me:
- how the SLA online test was (Gr. 3 students)
- what were some of the spelling words that I had to write
- to show you how to hold a pencil correctly - was your child a student who needs reminders to use a better grip?
- am I able to recite an emergency phone number and my address?

- share this blog message with adult at home
- practice math facts for speed and accuracy
- memorize an emergency phone number and address
- one extra day to research "norse men" and the name of a professional who designs buildings and homes

- youngest family member is bringing home 2 notices: Child Safety Canada brochure & Kids Plus Accident Insurance information
- Grade 3 students have an SLA notice in their back pack
- pls dress appropriately for the rainy weather this week
- good learning requires a well-fed brain - please pack your child healthy snacks and lunch
- breakfast program begins at 8:10am every morning - a free breakfast

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