
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wed Sept 30, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Class meeting - discussion "what makes a house a home?" Sensory sentences
- Learning Commons Book Exchange
- Math - basic facts: round robin game
- Art: sketching
- Gym
- Story: From Seed to Pumpkin
- Silent Reading & Blog
- Music - pls see "Music blog" for specific learning tasks
- Body Break
- additional music class :)

Ask me:
- to show you the steps to sketching a pumpkin
- about the books I selected at our book exchange today
- how does a seed turn into a pumpkin?
- about the story/sentences I wrote about the animal eating in the coffee cup with the other animal watching......  FUN!

- Math - basic facts practice for speed and accuracy "let's play a game"

Hot Soup Program
-starts Thursday, October 1st
-a small bowl of soup and crackers are offered to students
-soup is served every Tuesday & Thursday
-if you do NOT want your child to participate please contact your child’s teacher

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tues Sept 29, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Vista Heights Virtue Day & Terry Fox Run (morning activities)
- Class meeting & discussion: what is our brain "house"
- Music
- Body Break
- Math - measurement review
- Art: introduction to sketching

Ask me:
- what were some of the virtue stations? what were my favorite?
- what is my "upstairs brain" responsible for? (keeping me calm, making good decisions) what happens in my "downstairs brain"? anger, fear

- have a family discussion about "what makes a house a home?"
     - How would you complete the following sensory sentences:
            - I like to see.....
            - If you listen carefully, you can hear.....
            - I can smell......
            - I like to feel....

 - book exchange tomorrow - pls bring all library books and overdue books!
- Head Lice notice - in your child's backpack
- Tonight:  every Tuesday evening the "Kids World" Outreach program will serve a hot dinner and play games for interested families, 5:30-6:45pm. This is not a school event; students and families participate on their own accord.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Mon Sept 28, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Silent Reading
- Gym with the Gr. 3/4 class: 5 laps, morning stretches and relay races
- Class meeting: seasons, Fall/Autumn, gourds
- Story: "Terry Fox A Story of Hope"
- Gr. 3 SLA preparation - completion of online practice exams; Gr. 2s worked on educational apps on the iPods
- Math - Measurement - perimeter and units of measure
- Presentation - Digital Citizenship
- Body Break
- Class meeting & discussion: what is our brain "house"

Ask me:
- who was Terry Fox and what did he do?
- how is Vista Heights helping Terry?
- how I enjoyed the free lunch today (beef chili, caesar salad, bun, juice box and rice crispy square)
- ask me what a "gourd" is
- what do these words mean? recovery, amputate, research,
- what does "perimeter" mean?
- what is a centimeter?  meter? kilometer?
- what unit of measure did they use to track Terry Fox's run? (centimeter, meter or kilometer?)
- what is another name for Fall?
- what does our "upstairs brain" have control over?
- what does our "downstairs brain" control?

- do I finally have my emergency phone number and address memorized?
- discuss how our family makes our house a "home"

- thank you to those who attended the parent/teacher conferences.  I enjoyed meeting you all.  For those who were unable to attend, please call or email me to set up an alternative time to meet.  My email is: alturk@cbe.ab.ca
- TOMORROW - every Tuesday evening the "Kids World" Outreach program will serve a hot dinner and play games for interested families, 5:30-6:45pm. This is not a school event; students and families participate on their own accord.
- Terry Fox run and Virtue Day tomorrow!  Pls dress appropriately for the weather.
 (weather permitting) from 9:00-11:45 am
-we will be collecting coins to donate to Cancer Research as a part of the Marathon of Hope started by Terry Fox
-please bring nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies or twonies to school tomorrow
-any spare change will help- slight change in date..... Room 1, Grade 3 students will take the SLA exams on the morning of Tues, October 6 - Math,  Thurs October 8 - Literacy

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thurs Sept 24, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting
- emergency phone number and address check
- discussion of academic vocabulary from our "house" inquiry
- Math: basic facts practice for speed and accuracy (manipulatives used: dominoes and cards)
- "Fine Motor Exercises"
Story: Iggy Piggy Architect
Whole School Assembly
Body break
Art - completion of our captivating "Pastel Pumpkins"

Ask me:
- how my performance of our "hallway poem" was at the assembly this afternoon

- do you have your emergency phone number and address memorized?
- Grade 3 students will take the online SLA tests in literacy and math on October 6th.  At home preparation can be done online: copy and paste link below into internet browser  https://public.education.alberta.ca/assessment
- RAZ Reading

***FREE Hot lunch THIS MONDAY!!! Please fill out the form in your child's backpack and return it if your child has permission to participate in this program. Lunch is beef chili, ciabatta bun, caesar salad, juice box and rice crispy square\
- Interviews this evening and tomorrow - I'm looking forward to meeting you all!If you have not already done so, please book an interview time with me - tomorrow evening 4:15 - 8pm or Friday morning 8-12:15pm.  I look forward to meeting all of you!
*no school for students on Friday, September 25th
Terry Fox Run
-we will hold our Terry Fox Run during our Virtue Activity Day on Tuesday, September 29th (weather permitting)
-we will be collecting coins to donate to Cancer Research as a part of the Marathon of Hope started by Terry Fox
-please bring nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies or twonies to school on Thursday, September 24th, Monday, September 28thor Tuesday, September 29th
-any spare change will help
Harvest Party - Tues September 29, 6-8pm. Vista Heights Park. Valleyview Road and Veiner Park Street. Taste the food from the garden and get warm by the fire. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wed Sept 23, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting:
- student led discussion about digital citizenship
- Learning Commons Book Exchange
- Art - video of oil pastel application, practice on whiteboards
- Story and discussion: "Animals at Home"
- Music
- continued art
- More Music with Mrs. Sagness

Ask me:
- "who lives in a mound? a cocoon? warren? burrow? lodge? drey?

- do you have your emergency phone number and address memorized?
- Grade 3 students will take the online SLA tests in literacy and math on October 6th.  At home preparation can be done online: copy and paste link below into internet browser  https://public.education.alberta.ca/assessment
- RAZ Reading

If you have not already done so, please book an interview time with me - tomorrow evening 4:15 - 8pm or Friday morning 8-12:15pm.  I look forward to meeting all of you!
- We are having a whole school assembly tomorrow afternoon from 1-1:30. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend.  Our class will be sharing our "hallway poem"
Terry Fox Run
-we will hold our Terry Fox Run during our Virtue Activity Day on Tuesday, September 29th (weather permitting)
-we will be collecting coins to donate to Cancer Research as a part of the Marathon of Hope started by Terry Fox
-please bring nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies or twonies to school on Thursday, September 24th, Monday, September 28thor Tuesday, September 29th
-any spare change will help
Harvest Party - Tues September 29, 6-8pm. Vista Heights Park. Valleyview Road and Veiner Park Street. Taste the food from the garden and get warm by the fire. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tues Sept 22, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting
     - phone number and address check
     - discussion of what a botanist and a horticulturalist do
Community walk & Math - taking photos of 2D & 3D shapes in houses and around our community
Story and discussion of "homes around the world"
Body Break
Literacy - Venn diagram comparing our house with another from around the world

Ask me:
- about our community walk and what we took pictures of
- about the different kinds of houses from around the world: chalet, pueblo, venetian palace, Fujian tulou, condominium, chateau, cabin, townhouse, dogtrot, whitetown, cave dwelling, connected barn, apartment, yurt, airstream trailer, floating house, tree house
- what is a "botanist", a "horticulturalist"?

- discussion with your child different kinds of houses

- please visit our school website to book an interview with me

Mon Sept 21, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting
Math - shape identification in pictures from our evacuation walk
          - measurement: centimeter/meter
Outdoor measurement: measuring our community garden, 5 other outdoor items
Literacy - using a Venn Diagram to contrast and compare- fruits, transportation, homes
Outdoor gym
Story and Venn diagram comparison my home/home in another country

Ask me:
- what is a Venn Diagram used for?
- how many meters is the perimeter of our garden
- what is the difference between an apple and a orange
- what are the unique attributes of a bicycle/car?  what makes them the same?

- Gr. 3 SLA practice tests - access through website (copy and paste into internet browser)  https://public.education.alberta.ca/assessment
- RAZ Reading

Please visit our school website to book an interview time with Mrs. Turk next week (Thursday 4:15 - 8pm and Friday 8-12:30).  The online booking system is now up and open for business!  :)
- tomorrow we will be going for a walk around our community to take pictures of shapes.  Pls see the community walk notice published on our school website.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Fri Sept 18, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class Meeting:
     - phone number and address check
     - what is the name of a professional who studies plants?  (nobody knew!!??)
     - expectations for the silent evacuation drill
     - meeting with Mrs. Johl's class
Silent Evacuation:
     - SILENT, single-file line, walking briskly to the Renfrew Community Centre
Story: "A House is a House for Me"
     - discussion: different house for different "things" and people
Technology: iPods - exploring academic apps
Body Break
House pictures - what shapes can you see?
SLA Prep - Gr 2s with Mrs. Brar, Gr. 3s taking practice tests online

Ask me:
- have I memorized my phone number and address
- how to play "7 Up"

- Gr. 3 SLA practice tests - access through website (copy and paste into internet browser)  https://public.education.alberta.ca/assessment
- Educational apps to try at home: Geoboard, Sushi Monster, Wings, Candy Count, Mental Math Cards, Bug Button 2, Math Subtraction, Notes, Alphabet Tracing, ABC
- what is the name of a professional who studies plants?
- who or what makes its home in a: nest, dam, sty, fold, coupe, pueblo, terminal, husk, hangar, terminal, hutch, ear muffs?

Please visit our school website to book an interview time with Mrs. Turk next week (Thursday 4:15 - 8pm and Friday 8-12:30).  The online booking system is now up and open for business!  :)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thurs Sept 17, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting:
     - phone number and address check
     - academic vocabulary discussion
     - review of Room 1 Expectations:
               - listen carefully LOOK! Follow directions, the first time, Work quietly. Do not disturb         others who are working. Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions.  Use your MANNERS! Respect the school and personal property.  Work and play safely.

Ask me:
- about the "Wild About Weeds" program that we took part in today
     - what is a "weed"?
     - what is the name of a weed that looks like a dandelion? (yellow, but more stiff?) "sow...."
     - what are some names of some weeds that grow in Alberta? (dandelion, stink weed, sow Alberta
- let's talk about demonstrating "courtesy" in our home
- can I challenge you to some fine motor skills exercises? Can you twirl a pencil between your fingers? Let's have a pencil race!

- does your child have their phone number and address memorized?
- research - what is the professional name of a person who studies plants?

- notice in backpack regarding our practice evacuation tomorrow morning.  Pls dress appropriately for the weather and remember to wear comfortable shoes!
- please visit our school website to book an interview time with Mrs. Turk next week (Thursday 4:15 - 8pm and Friday 8-12:30).  The online booking system is now up and open for business!  :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wed Sept 16, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class Meeting:
     - emergency phone number and address check
     - academic vocabulary check
Learning Commons Book Exchange
Silent Reading with new books
Fine Motor Exercises
Laptops: "important" typing
Gym - 3 laps, "Wed warmup:   , Crackers and Crumbs, Compass Run, Red Light/Green Light
Story: The Little House
Body Break: Just Dance
Class Meeting: setting classroom expectations
Math: what is 100? and Money

Ask me:
- check academic vocabulary from below
- to share the fine motor skills exercises with you (need a pencil and a paper towel)
- what are the coins?  how many cents in each coin?
- how many nickles/dimes/quarters are in a dollar?
- what an architect is?
- to share the Brain

- BrainPop videos - math, coins/money

(from yesterday, if you didn't do)
- Review videos and quizzes on "BrainPop"
website: brainpopjr.com, login: vistaheights, password: brainpop
videos under "math": "Plain Shapes" & "Solid Shapes"
- discuss academic vocabulary with an adult: building, architect, construction, design, oval, circle, square, rectangle, triangle, diamond, hexagon, cylinder, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, pyramid, cube, sphere, cone, triangular prism, corner, curved, side, straight, face, edge, base, vertex, geometry, center, length, semi-circle, attribute
- share this blog message with adult at home
- practice math facts for speed and accuracy
- memorize an emergency phone number and address

- Please visit our school website to book an interview time with me (opens tomorrow)
- please send SUTP orders 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tues Sept 15, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Class meeting:
     - phone number and address check
- Writing - "Important writing" typing up paragraphs on the laptops
- Story : "Roberto the Insect Architect" Inquiry project on "house"
     - discussion about the professional job of an architect
- Gym: 4 laps, Toilet tag, Red Light/Green Light
- Silent Reading
- Music - drumming
- Body Break: Wake n Shake
- Grade 3 SLA preparation "3D and 2D shapes" pls see academic vocabulary below (Gr. 2s with other grade 2s in gym)

Ask me:
- what does an architect do?
- how to play toilet tag
- am I finished typing my "important" typing
- to show you how to log on to "BrainPop"
- let's have a discussion about the academic vocabulary listed below

- Review videos and quizzes on "BrainPop"
website: brainpopjr.com, login: vistaheights, password: brainpop
videos under "math": "Plain Shapes" & "Solid Shapes"
- discuss academic vocabulary with an adult: building, architect, construction, design, oval, circle, square, rectangle, triangle, diamond, hexagon, cylinder, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, pyramid, cube, sphere, cone, triangular prism, corner, curved, side, straight, face, edge, base, vertex, geometry, center, length, semi-circle, attribute
- share this blog message with adult at home
- practice math facts for speed and accuracy
- memorize an emergency phone number and address

- Learning Commons Book Exchange tomorrow!  Pls remember your books so you can exchange and get new ones!
-SUTP coupon books fundraiser is due TOMORROW - Wednesday, September 16th
     - please return your envelopes with orders and cheques or cash
- pls dress appropriately for the rainy weather this week
- good learning requires a well-fed brain - please pack your child healthy snacks and lunch
- breakfast program begins at 8:10am every morning - a free breakfast

Monday, September 14, 2015

Mon Sept 14, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Silent reading
Class meeting:
     - Ahhhhhhhh! we forgot to share our findings about "norse men" and the name of a professional who designs houses or buildings - what is he/she called?
- Math: Grade 2 and 3 assessments (pre-test)
- Writing - laptops to type up Important paragraphs
- Story: "Come Over to my House"
- Gym - 4 laps, Compass Running game, Crackers and Crumbs, Red Light/Green Light
- "Edmonton Spelling Quiz"
- pencil grip check - many students in our class need reminders to hold their pencil correctly.  These students were given a triangle pencil, and 3 dots on their fingers, which should remind them how to hold the pencil properly.
- SLA Preparation with Mrs. Johl's Gr. 3s and 4s (Gr. 2s went to Mrs. Brar's class for gym activities)
- Blog

Ask me:
- how the SLA online test was (Gr. 3 students)
- what were some of the spelling words that I had to write
- to show you how to hold a pencil correctly - was your child a student who needs reminders to use a better grip?
- am I able to recite an emergency phone number and my address?

- share this blog message with adult at home
- practice math facts for speed and accuracy
- memorize an emergency phone number and address
- one extra day to research "norse men" and the name of a professional who designs buildings and homes

- youngest family member is bringing home 2 notices: Child Safety Canada brochure & Kids Plus Accident Insurance information
- Grade 3 students have an SLA notice in their back pack
- pls dress appropriately for the rainy weather this week
- good learning requires a well-fed brain - please pack your child healthy snacks and lunch
- breakfast program begins at 8:10am every morning - a free breakfast

Friday, September 11, 2015

Fri Sept 11, 2015


What a wonderful evening last night!  Thank you to those who attended.  I enjoyed meeting families from our school, especially parents of children in my class.  If you were unable to attend, please feel free to drop in any time to meet me and view our learning space.  Additionally, if you need to contact me, please do so through email.  My email is :     alturk@cbe.ab.ca

Today's Learning:
- Class meeting - "what is your emergency phone number?" "what is your address?"
"what kind of shapes do you see in your house and outside?"
- Writing: using laptops, typing up "important paragraphs"
              - technology skills: clicking, dragging, saving on the server, changing the font and size, changing the lay out and orientation
- Firedrill practice
- Story: "Home" - discussion of shapes and different houses in different cultures, animal houses
- Blog message
- Inquiry project: "House" - whole class internet image research: shapes: 2D and 3D
- Gym: outside - cooperative games: Red Light/Green light
Inquiry project: Brainpop "homes" videos
     - academic vocabulary: community, address, apartment, rural, suburban, building, population, length, width, depth
Virtue of the month: "Courtesy" Brainpop video

Ask me:
- what is the 6th magic manner?
- to share and read my 2 library books with you
- some math facts: 4+2, 8-3, etc..... by the end of the year, our goal is to have our math facts MEMORIZED for quick and easy recall.  This life skill will greatly assist your child in their math throughout their LIFETIME!
- about my nature name tag
- about "open commons" - who can go? when? and what do we do there?
- about our firedrill practice
- let's discuss the academic vocabulary listed above

- look up "norse god" - is this real? or a fictitious character
- MEMORIZE my emergency telephone number and address
- 1 RAZ Kids Reading book
- research: the professional name of a person who designs a house or building

- please dress warmly for the cooler weather

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thurs Sept 10, 2015

Today's Learning:
- Class meeting:
              - what is your address? do you live in the N.E.? what is your emergency phone number
              - who has been checking the blog each evening with their parents?
Music - African drumming
Writing task - complete "Important" paragraphs
Laptops - typing up our paragraphs
Virtue Story (Courtesy) with Mrs. Dillon - "Mind Your Manners, B.B. Wolf"
Gym - 3 laps, Compass Running game, "Crackers & Crumbs", "Cats & Mice"
Fire Drill practice
Nature Nametags with Gr. 4/5s
Body break - "Wake n Shake" + Go Noodle
Virtue Bookmarks - completing

Ask me:
- what are the "manners magic words"? (4 of them)
- how to give a "proper" introduction (we have been practicing and your child will introduce us this evening)
- to tell you how I demonstrate "courtesy" at school (this is our virtue of the month).
- let's talk about how we show courtesy at home with our family members
- what the expectations are for our fire drills
- what I drew on my virtue bookmark (an act of courtesy)

- pls help your child to memorize an emergency phone number and your address

- Parent Info night this evening 6:30 - 7:30.  I hope you can attend.  I'd love to meet you all!  Please bring your child, if possible
- there are still 3 students who have not returned the purple "Consent to Publish" form. Pls ask your child for the form if you have not completed it (it should be in their backpack)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wed Sept 9, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class Meeting - what is your address? Discussion and directions: how would someone get there if they left from our front school doors? 
Learning Commons Book Exchange
Writing - our next 2 "important" sentences
Gym - warmup -    cooperative game - 
Story - house focus - "If I Built A House"
Music - African drumming
Body Break - Go Noodle
Art - Virtue bookmarks

Ask me:
- what my address is?  Mrs. Turk is going to ask each of us tomorrow!
- can I give you directions to get to our house, starting from the front door of the school?
- about my courtesy bookmark - what did I draw
- what quadrant of the city do we live in?  NE? SW? NW? SE?
- "what is Go Noodle"?
- what cool rooms were in our story's house?

- Raz Reading - 1 book
- have you memorized your address yet?
- please help me to memorize 1 emergency telephone number

Parent Info (Meet the Teacher) evening TOMORROW - Thursday, September 10th
-all families welcome (students, parents/guardians)
-doors open @ 6:30 pm and the evening ends at 7:30 pm
-meet all the teachers and others from our community
*learn more about our school and your community

It is quite cold in the mornings, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the cooler weather.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tues Sept 8, 2015

Today's learning:
Silent Reading
Class meeting - dentist thank you email
Laptops - signing in and RAZ Kids Reading
Cleaning Up Story with Mrs. Dillon
Writing - 2nd sentence for "Important writing" "(S)he loves to ________ and has ________   ________."
Gym - Noodle Tag, Compass Running game
Story: Who's House?
Class meeting + Blog
Body Break
Writing - "House writing"

Ask me:
 - about the "important" sentence I wrote
- about our new student
- what a beaver makes his house out of
- where a frog makes his home
- what my student ID and login password is
- to show you RAZ Reading

Help me to memorize my address

- please return your forms
- Book Exchange tomorrow - please bring your books to exchange for new ones! :)
- "Meet the Teacher" this Thursday from 6:30 - 7:30

Friday, September 4, 2015

Fri Sept 5, 2015

TGIF!!! (Thank Goodness Its Friday!) 
Students in Room 1 had a wonderful week of learning!
Our day:
- What is important about me sentence writing
- Read a "Courtesy" Book and discussion with Mrs. Dillon
- RECESS, Dental Hygiene with Mrs. Traquair, Gym - blob tag, Atom tag on scooters, "NESW" Compass running game,  "Manners" book with Miss Lindsay, LUNCH, Math - what is math? write the numbers from 1-100, show ten, show 100, Body break - Go Noodle movement dances, BLOG message

*Ask your child to show you the dentist package they received today.  Please encourage your child to brush their teeth twice a day (3 minutes at a time) and floss once a day.  Some time this year, a dental hygienist will be available in or school to check your child's dental hygiene.

- RAZ Kids Reading
- Have a discussion with your child about things that make them unique - what activities do they like to do in the summer? in the winter? what do they like to wear? what is their favorite toy? colour? book?

Ask your child:
 - to count to 100.
- "what is math?"

- please return the purple "Media Release" form and the "Consent to Publish"
- have you filled out the "Lunchroom Supervision" form?
- no school on Monday!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thurs Sept 4, 2015

Ask me: 
- about this month's virtue - what is our focus? how can I show it?
- to give you the SUTP Coupon Book package

Please ensure your child has a pair of indoor shoes that they can leave here at school.
Water bottle?
Please return purple "Media Release form"


Room 1 students are reading “The Important Book” – have a discussion with your child about what is important about/to them. 

Have a discussion with your child - What is important about our house?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wed Sept 2, 2015

Welcome back! And welcome to Room 1's Blog!

We will be using a classroom blog to ensure that information is shared between home and school promptly. Information will be posted as necessary. Parents are encouraged to read each day’s blog – www.vistaheightsschool.blogspot.ca Click on Mrs. Turk’s Blog. On occasion, your child will be bringing home a plastic folder which will contain important information for you to review. Please check the blog and your child’s backpack each day for any updates.

School begins at 8.50 am. After the bell rings, all Room 1 students will assemble outside the south-facing field entrance. *Please do NOT drop your child off in the parking lot. Students arriving later than 8:55am are LATE and must check in with the office to receive a late slip before proceeding to the classroom.

Lunch 12:00-12:45pm.
 - Go home for lunch: parent pick up the student from the school
-Lunch at school: Lunch supervisor will supervise the students. Please ask the office for more information and complete the lunch supervision form online (school website, click "parents", click "forms".   *Brown Bag lunches are available - parents need to request a Brown Bag Lunch, please contact the office for access to this program.
-ESG Daycare: A representative of the Daycare will pick students from the west entrance.
*Please inform us of any other Child Care Facilities.

School Dismissal: 3.08 pm. Please ensure that your child is picked up at this time. If you are unable to pick up your child at 3:08, please call the office at (403) 777-6000.

"Meet the Teacher" Night - September 10th from 6:30-7:30pm.  Families are encouraged to drop in this evening to meet their child's teacher - appointment time not necessary.

Healthy Snacks/Lunch: Eating healthy is an important part of             
the student school code.  Please ensure that your child has eaten breakfast before arriving at school.  Please ensure your child has a nutritious snack   and lunch each day.  *All students are welcome to join the free breakfast program provided by our school that begins at 8:10am each day. If you are interested please contact the office.

Some nutritious food ideas include: fruit, vegetables, yogurt, muffin, cheese etc. and drinks. All students are welcome to bring water bottles to school each day (with their names on them).

Students are encouraged to eat their snack only and not share the food due to various food allergies of their classmates. Please inform me if your child has any allergies or any other medical conditions.
Note: We are a peanut aware school.

We ask parents/guardians to respect the fact that some students have serious food allergies. Please DO NOT SEND any cakes, cupcakes or other treats to school for any celebration.
*Birthdays will be acknowledged over the morning announcement and with a birthday pencil.

What does your child need to bring each day to school?

Indoor running shoes

Nutritious snack and snack

*Please put your child’s name on all clothing: jacket, sweater, shoes, backpack, and personal belongings

Forms: Please fill out and return the purple "Media Media Release" form and return to the school at your earliest convenience.  The "School Fees" form and "Health Form" can be downloaded from our school webpage:  http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b239/ 

Library Books: Students will have an opportunity to borrow and exchange books from the library (learning commons) every day. Parents are encouraged to read these books with their children each day. Please help your child establish routines to take good care of borrowed books.

Volunteers: Parents are welcome and encouraged to volunteer both in the classroom and on field trips. If you’re interested please visit the school secretary, Mrs. Mckie for applicable forms and information.

-       Please ask your child to tell you about specific learning each day 
-       Specific, assigned homework will be communicated through the blog post, so please visit the blog each day.
-       *5min+ nightly reading and math facts practice is strongly encouraged – RAZ Kids Reading is an excellent online reading program – Access through the school website: http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b239/   Click on RAZ Kids Reading, Password is your child’s student ID #
-       Weekly Vocabulary Lists will be posted in the Monday blog and quizzed on Friday or the last day of the week.

Today's Homework:
September study: Room 1 students will be discovering/exploring the concept of a “house” and “home”.  Please have a discussion with your child about the number and names of rooms in our house. Each child will have the opportunity to share their findings tomorrow.


I value the child as strong, capable and resilient; rich with wonder and knowledge. Every child brings with them deep curiosity and potential and this innate curiosity drives their interest to understand their world and their place within it. I am excited to provide your child with meaningful experiences, opportunities for engaged learning and foster independence. My learning tasks are carefully crafted to include academic rigor and purpose. I look forward to a great year of partnership with you in helping your child learn, grow and blossom to be successful, contributing members of society.

Please feel free to contact me anytime by email: alturk@cbe.ab.ca or by calling the office 403-777-6000.


Mrs. A. Turk

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tues Sept 1, 2015


Vista Heights School - Mrs. Turk’s Gr. 2/3

 I would like to welcome all students, parents and guardians to our Room 1 Blog. Through out the year, this blog will be a source of communication between school and home. Information posted will explain some of the daily activities and concepts being highlighted in our classroom. All learning tasks will be intentionally designed to establish an environment where students are engaged in meaningful experiences that are developmentally appropriate.  Students will be provided with opportunities to investigate, explore their curiosity and apply problem-solving strategies.

Vista Heights provides a secure environment that encourages risk-taking and that leads students to value themselves as capable, competent learners and active citizens.  

Ask me about my day…. ("People Bingo", Music, Gym: "Atom" game, Story: "Ivan the Gorilla", Sentence writing: "My summer".... sad, funniest moments, what am I excited/nervous about this year?, "Wake and Shake" body break, 
- Ask me to tell you the names of my new friends
- What was my favourite part of the day?
- Help me to plan a Healthy Snack and lunch for tomorrow
- I will need a pair of indoor shoes (white sole)

- Lunch Room Supervision Form - available at:  

- School entry and exit times: outside morning supervision begins at 8:35am, afternoon dismissal is 3:08pm

*Please plan to visit our classroom blog each day.