
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February newsletter and calendar

Today, the February newsletter and calendar was sent home with the students.  For an on-line link, click here http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b239/

Language Arts
Your child may also have been sent home with their writing journal in order to complete the rough draft of the their story board for their narrative writing. They are to return their writing journals to school tomorrow, in order to continue working on the 2nd draft of their storyboard.

Today the students discussed strategies used in their math problem from last Friday, and started working on a new math question:
How many numbers can you make with an 8 in the hundreds place?

We will continue to work on this question tomorrow in math.

The students spent some time in the library researching their animal for the Room 1 Geographic magazine.  They need to research their animal's classification, life cycle, habitat, as well as 5 interesting facts.  They also need to include any information on camouflage, hibernation, migration, and adaptations their animal may have.

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