
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday May 11, 2016

Today's Learning: 
Learning Commons Book exchange and story: 'Leo the Lightening Bug' (confidence virtue)
Class meeting: several students sharing 'The Important Thing About' playground creative writing
Science: rocks and minerals discussion and watching videos
Laptops: reviewing with a partner the Brainpop videos (see below)
Music: pls see music blog
Body break:
Math: estimation - mass: gram and kilogram centres HOMEWORK (see below)

Ask me:
- did I bring home the health poster to work on?
- how many kilograms I weigh?
- to show you the cool Brainpop videos about rocks and minerals
                             - Brainpop videos:  website: www.brainpopjr.com  
                              - log on:   vistaheights     passsword:  brainpop
                              - watch: 'land forms', 'fast land forms', 'slow land forms',  'rocks and minerals', 'soil'
                              - do easy and hard quizzes, word wall, and related activities
- what does a 'geologist ' do? (studies the earth, rocks, minerals and soil)
- what earth layer do we live on? (mantle)
- to explain the following: earthquake, volcano, flood, tsunami, wild fire and hurricane
- what is the hardest mineral? (diamond)
- how we use rocks and minerals? (cement sidewalks, clay pots and dishes, cutlery
- what mineral do we eat? (salt)
- what are the properties of rocks and minerals? (lustre, color, texture, hardness)
- what is another word that means the same as 'balance'? (same as, equal,

- MATH HOMEWORK - count and add some 'things' to the cup.  Bring tomorrow!
- HEALTH poster homework
- Child Safe CANADA pamphlet in backpack

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