
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tuesday May 3, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym: (outside) running warmup, Zombie Tag, Graveyard
Health: safety posters
Science: Geological Study - adding the water and continents to our plasticine earth models
Music: see music blog
Body Break: outside
Math: estimation - making educated guesses about number of objects in clear containers
                            - what is a centimeter, meter?
                            - outside estimation:  what would you use to measure: a blade of grass, a leaf, a          branch, a tree, a garbage container, the slide, the parking lot, the baseball diamond?

Ask me:
- how many centimeters in a meter?
- what part of my body is about the same length as a centimeter?
- what part of my body is about as long as a meter?

- wear a HAT tomorrow for 'Hats on for Mental Health' - teachers and students can show their support for positive mental health by participating in Hats On! For Mental Health, which is sponsored by the Alberta Teachers’ Association, the Canadian Mental Health Association and Global TV.
Everyone has a role in promoting positive mental health and healthy relationships – in our schools, communities and workplaces.

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