
Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday February 29, 2016

Today's Learning:
- Grade 6 guest presentation about book gifts and D.E.A.R. time this week
- Gym: gymnastics: balance, travel, strength and stretches
- D.E.A.R. 15 minutes of uninterrupted individual reading
- Class meeting: what kinds of questions do we ask?  how are we recording the different kinds of questions we are asking during school time? how can we ask "thinking" questions? reviewing our tally marks on the board
(desk/seating plan change)
- Literacy Centres - word families, nouns/pronouns/verbs/proper nouns, animal classification, word formation, student/teacher word recognition
- D.E.A.R. - 15 minutes of uninterrupted individual reading
- Health - new projects - Topics: fire prevention, first aid, pedestrian safety, bike safety
- Ipod reward time for 'pom pom jar'
- Math - warmup: which number doesn't belong? working in paris to solve the problem

Ask me:
- to show you the book I received today
- who my health project partner is and what our topic is (fire prevention, first aid, pedestrian safety, bike safety)
- where I sit now, after our desk change
- how I spent my REWARD TIME on the iPods
- to show you how I used the virtual math manipulatives

March Newsletter notice sent home with youngest student
Pizza forms for lunch on March 16

Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday February 26, 2016

Today's Learning:
Class Meeting - gathering different kinds of questions (
Math: 'Place Value' tasks (3 groups) - building numbers using place value mats, virtual manipulatives and creating teacher/student questions using various formats: (expanded notation, standard form and written form)
Body Break: L/R Brain Teaser and High Low
Math: place value practice using math websites
Class meeting - tallying today's kinds of questions
Stories: 'My Think-a-ma-jink' and 'Pierre le poof!'

Ask me:
- what 'virtual' means (example 'virtual manipulatives')
- how I survived the waves during swimming today
- what kinds of questions I asked today (can, is, who, what, why, where, when, how)
- to accurately spell - eight, ninety and forty-five

- March is 'Nutrition Month'

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday February 25, 2016

Today's Learning:
Math - place value tasks - using the base ten block picture representation, write the number. (4 different numbers), how are these numbers alike; how are they different? individual use of green/yellow/red cups to show understanding of task
Body Break - L/R and Hi low
Music - pls see music blog
Laptop cart - online place value practice
Class meeting - discussion about water safety and expectations for swimming/pool behaviour, head lice reminders - no hugging, sharing brushes, brushing others' hair
Body Break: High low - 2nd verse

Ask me:
- how the 'hi lo' song goes:
      Hi low, chick-a-low, chick-a-low, chick-a-low
      Hi low, chick-a-low, chick-a-low, hi

      Low hi, chick-a-high, chick-a-high, chick-a-high
      Low hi, chick-a-high, chick-a-high
- to show you the virtual manipulatives website:  http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/mathematics/ebook_assets/vmf/VMF-Interface.htmlhttp://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/mathematics/ebook_assets/vmf/VMF-Interface.html
- to show you the math website where I can do free daily math practice:
www.ixl.com   click on Grade 3 math "264 skills", scroll down to "place value"
- to show you the 'place value puzzler": open a Google search, type "place value puzzler", click on the 2nd link down that says "FunBrain.com"

- pls check my backpack for a head lice notice
- bring a healthy snack for after swimming LAST DAY TOMORROW!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wed February 24, 2016

Today's Learning:
Math - more place value tasks: ex: "What number has 3 in the tens place and 6 more in the ones?"
Body Break - "Left; Right Brain Teaser"
Music - pls see music blog
Class story: "Equal Shmequal"
Math - number review

Ask me:
- how I improved in swimming today
- what I was most proud of during my swimming class today
- the definitions of these math vocabulary words: worth? fewer? more than? equal?
- what 'equal shmequal' means
- how does a teeder-todder represent an equal sign?
- can an equal sign be moved to a different place in an equation?
- what kinds of questions I asked today
- how I modeled good 'sportsmanship' skills today
- how can I improve my 'sportsmanship' skills for the remainder of the week

- hang bathing suit and towel to dry
- Oops! Another Head Lice notice was supposed to go home today - it will tomorrow

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tues February 23, 2016

Today's Learning:

Math - "Place Value" Party

     - exploring digits - hundreds, tens and ones.
Body Break - "LEFT, RIGHT" Brainteaser

Left, right,
you’re wrong. Its...
not left, its right.
And you’ll find it
left, right where you left it.
That’s right!

Music - pls refer the Music blog
Class Novel "Minimoys"
Social Studies "Room 1 Geographic Magazine" cover page art

Ask me:
- to teach you the "Left/Right Brainteaser"
- "what questions did I ask in school today?"
- how I improved today in swimming. 

- hang my towel and swimsuit
- swimming tomorrow :)


Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday February 22, 2016

Today's Learning:

Class meeting
Gym - 3+ laps, individual mat work (balances and travel)
Math - Number of the day '90', questions about this number, re-teaching 'expanded notation'
Math - place value - 'Brain Pop' video, word wall, easy/hard quiz

Ask me:
- what 'expanded notation' means.
             - ex: 3084 = 3000 + 80 + 4 also   492 = 400 + 90+ 2
- how I enjoyed swimming
- about these 'math words' - place vale, digit, less than, more than
- what this tricky number is: 7 tens and 55 ones.  ask me to draw this number and explain why it is NOT 755 (answer is: 125)

- hang or wash swimsuit and towel, so they are dry for tomorrow
- wear bathing suit under clothes tomorrow, pack underwear for after

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Fri Feb 19, 2016

Today's learning:
Gym: warmup: 3+ running laps, gymnastics - balance, travel and partner work
L.A. - Literacy Centres:
Science - Learning Commons computers completing "I wonder...." research questions
Class novel: Arthur and the Minimoys
Class meeting
Body break
Math: Today's number is 75 - draw the number in base 10 blocks; the number just before is....; the number just after is....; 10 more than the number is.....; 10 less than the number is?; written in expanded notation is; odd/even?; written in words is; this number is a multiple of?; 25 more than the number is?; 3 other ways to make the number is?

Ask me:
- about today's number
- how I improved my sportsmanship skills today.
- if I demonstrated good group work habits during literacy centers

Swimming all next week, during the afternoons. Pls pack swimsuit, water bottle, towel and hair brush, if needed

Thurs Feb 18, 2016

Today's learning:
Gym - 3+ running laps, then gymnastics - balance and travel
Music - pls see music blog
Health - February's virtue: SPORTSMANSHIP.  Self-reflection - 2*s and a wish How do I demonstrate good sportsmanship skills?
Science - laptops for continued animal research *"I wonder....." questions
Class novel: Arthur & the Minimoys
L.A. - Literacy Centres: word families with magnets; alphabetization, science classification; Nouns/Pronouns/adjectives/verbs; letter formation.  'Bull's Eye Target' elf-assessment regarding my group work habits
Body Break
Math: Warmup: "I'm thinking of a number" game, expand notation. Today's number: 25. group description - draw the number in base 10 blocks; the number just before is....; the number just after is....; 10 more than the number is.....; 10 less than the number is?; written in expanded notation is; odd/even?; written in words is; this number is a multiple of?; 25 more than the number is?; 3 other ways to make the number is?

Ask me:
- how I demonstrated good sportsmanship skills?
- what does 'expanded notation mean'?

Reminders: swimming next week!  YAY!

Wed Feb 17, 2016

Today's learning:
Class meeting
Gym - gymnastics - balance and travel
Learning Commons Book Exchange
Science: animal research - sharing of highlights and writing 3 new "I wonder....." questions to guide research tomorrow and Friday
Music - pls see Music blog
Math: "I'm thinking of a number" game with partner
Extra music class

Ask me:
In a book, where is an 'index' located? What kind of order is it in? How can looking in an index help me when I gather research?
Where is a 'table of contents' located?

Swimming next week

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tues Feb 16, 2016

Today's learning:
Gym - 3 or 5 running lap warmup, gymnastics: individual stations focusing on balance and travel
L.A. - Literacy Centres - alphabetization, science and social studies academic vocabulary, word families, letter formation/shapes
Science - animal research - how to download pictures to student account, choosing 3 different and appropriate pictures for project
Music - pls see Music blog
Math - place value task

Ask me:
- how many laps I ran during our gym warmup - did I demonstrate perseverance?
- to play the "I'm thinking of a number" game.  Can you choose a number that will 'stump' me?
- can I correctly spell the following math words: hundred, thousand, eight, eighty, ninety
- when a 'hyphen' or 'dash' is used
- to tell you what the following science words mean: hemisphere, region, equator, citizen, culture, gills, metamorphosis, warm-blooded, habitat, cold-blooded, life-cycle, lungs
- to say these numbers: 402, 689, 19, 8009, 999, 1234
- to write these numbers in words: 613, 4609, 32, 9999
- represent these numbers in base ten blocks (draw) - 10, 312, 6978, 1023

- swimming next week

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wed Feb 10, 2016

Today's learning:
Class meeting
Learning Commons Book Exchange
Math - place value with base ten block manipulatives
Music - pls see blog
Valentine's story
visit from new principal Ms. Harvey

Ask me:
- to show you the one, tens, hundreds and thousands
- let's play "guess my number"

Reminders: no school Thurs and Friday due to Teachers' Convention and no school on Monday (Family Holiday)

Enjoy the extra long weekend, see you on Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tues Feb 9, 2016

Hellllllo all!

It sure is nice to be back. Apologies about yesterday's blog - I was unable to access my account.

Today's learning:
Gym - relay games (ask me about these crazy games and why "I love chicken"?  HA!
Language Arts - "Literacy Centres" (word families, adjectives, nouns, verbs and proper nouns, alphabetization, letter formation, sounds, shapes, high frequency words, animal classification)
Science - Animal research projects - 2 new facts re: habitat, classification, interesting facts, camouflage, classification and hibernation)
Music - pls see Music blog
Body Break - today we needed a "mind break" to relax, and re-focus
Math - Place Value Pre-test

Ask me:
 - can I tell you about our learning vocabulary? (camouflage, classification, habitat, hibernation, migration, vertebrate, invertebrate, amphibian, reptile, bird, mammal, fish, insect, verb, adjective, noun, proper noun, alphabetize)?

Students wishing to participate in a valentines exchange tomorrow afternoon, are welcome to bring valentines for their classmates. I hope that all students will be included and receive valentines cards. For security reasons, only first names will be shared: Rylan, Azaria, Maryam, Edmar, Kyley, Salah, Madina, Aquila, Aaron, Sammy, Julie, Takoda, Saad, Callie, Jared, Adina, Ben, Omaira. *and Mrs. Turk LOVES valentines also!! :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February newsletter and calendar

Today, the February newsletter and calendar was sent home with the students.  For an on-line link, click here http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b239/

Language Arts
Your child may also have been sent home with their writing journal in order to complete the rough draft of the their story board for their narrative writing. They are to return their writing journals to school tomorrow, in order to continue working on the 2nd draft of their storyboard.

Today the students discussed strategies used in their math problem from last Friday, and started working on a new math question:
How many numbers can you make with an 8 in the hundreds place?

We will continue to work on this question tomorrow in math.

The students spent some time in the library researching their animal for the Room 1 Geographic magazine.  They need to research their animal's classification, life cycle, habitat, as well as 5 interesting facts.  They also need to include any information on camouflage, hibernation, migration, and adaptations their animal may have.