
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday in our classroom

The Grade 1/2 Assembly for Room 7 has been moved from Thursday, January 21st, to Thursday, January 28th at 2pm.  At this assembly, we will be saying a final good bye to our wonderful Principal, Mrs. Traquair as her last day is Friday, January 29th. All parents and families are welcome!

Today in Learning Commons Mrs. Reimer read a book to the class called "Ask Mia".  Mia worked with her friends on a school newspaper, and struggled with sportsmanship. She was very bossy with her friends, and put them down a lot.  In this book, we found out how Mia made better choices to become a good team player.
This was a great book because it fit in not only with our monthly theme, sportsmanship, but with our unit in health on healthy interactions with peers and adults!  The book also covered some math themes, and the students got to see how pictographs work when Mia's friends decided to do a survey for their school newspaper.

Ask your child:
-What was Mia doing in the beginning that showed she wasn't a team player?
-How did Mia's friends feel about her in the beginning?
-How did Mia change?
-How did Mia's friends feel at the end?
-How do you think Mia felt at the end?

Collaborative Learning is something that we work on in the classroom daily, and today Callie decided to read us a book she had just learned! Thank-you to Callie for your contribution, and thank you to the class for being supportive and attentive listeners!

Language Arts
We brought some student dictionaries back from the classroom, and so we practiced our dictionary skills on the smart board by putting words in alphabetical order according to the first, second, and sometimes third letter!

Today we learned all about the butterfly life cycle with a song! It's called "Butterfly, Butterfly!" and you can find it on YouTube! The students then had to draw and label the butterfly lifecycle in their science notebooks, based on what they had learned in the video.

The students were given a problem solving question to work on with their math partners.

What numbers can you make that are below 100 and have 6 in the tens place?

If they solved the problem, then we extended it to:
What numbers can you make that are below 1000 and have 6 in the tens place?

Ask your child to show you how they solved this problem and explain their thinking!  Ask them to use proper math language!

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