
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Form sent home

Today a form was sent home with the students regarding an upcoming field trip on January 19th to the Jack Singer - Art Commons.  Please check your child's backpack, and return the form by Wednesday, January 13th (next week).

In Language Arts this week, we have started to take our first steps towards writing a paragraph.  We are focusing on using a topic sentence, 3 sentences relating to the topic, and a closing sentence.  We have studied many examples, and have come up with paragraphs as a class.  Today, each student started to write their own paragraph about one animal classification they have learned in science.

Ask your child what their paragraph is about.  

During math, we have continued to focus on place values.  Today we looked at working with number form, expanded form, and word form for numbers using three digits, and four digits.

Show your parents an example of each form (number, expanded, and word) at home.  Explain to them what each one means. Make sure to use your math language!  

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