
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Today the students finished up some artwork that we had started last Friday. We studied Canadian artist Ted Harrison, who makes paintings of the Yukon's arctic and tundra landscapes.  This has fit in perfectly with our discussions and work in science on habitats! Ted Harrison uses simple lines and shapes, and paints using warm and cool colours.  Take a look at some of our Ted Harrison artwork below!

Today we looked at the life cycles of a ladybug, and of a chicken.  We watched a video that shows how the chicken embryo develops in the egg!  We then drew the chicken life cycle in our science notebooks, and labeled it.
Ask your child to tell you about the 4 stages of a chicken's life cycle! 

We continued working on our two math questions from yesterday, based on place value knowledge.

Language Arts
Today we practiced word-work on the mini-whiteboards, and looked at word families "-un" and "-ig".  Ask your child what words can you make with these word families?

In health we continued to discuss healthy interactions with peers and adults. We looked at how and why we give compliments to someone, and practiced how to accept them ("Thank you", and "You're Welcome").

Today we started to learn badmington, and practiced our skills with controlling the birdie!

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