
Monday, January 25, 2016

Forms sent home!

Today two items were sent home with your child.  The first was a letter introducing our new principal, and the transition that will take place.  
The second was a permission form for a swimming program at Village Square Leisure Centre from February 22-26th.

Please ensure you read both items.  The permission form for swimming is due on February 4th.

Language Arts
Today we did some word work with the word families "-aw" and "-en".  Have your child make a list of 3-letter words using the word groups! We also looked at several examples of narrative writing (telling an even using "I" and "My"), and critiqued them.  We will be starting to work on our own narrative pieces this week!
We also practiced our reading with our Guided Reading groups, and we focused on comprehension. We went over strategies to figure out the meaning of a word if you don't understand what it means, by using clues in the sentence, or picture to help us understand.

In math we started a new question:
I am thinking of a number between 10 and 100 with a single 9 in it. What might my number be?

Ask your child to show you how the solved this problem, and the strategies they used!

Today we finished looking at life cycles.  We reviewed characteristics of the classifications "mammals" and "reptiles".  The students then had to use clues based on what they know and create their own life cycles for mammals and reptiles.

In health we continued to work on healthy interactions with peers and adults.  We talked about eye contact and why its important during conversation.  The students were paired off, one was the speaker and one was the listener.  The speaker had to talk about what they had done in the day, and both listener and speaker practiced eye contact. We then discussed as a class how it felt if someone was making good eye contact, or how it felt when there wasn't good eye contact.

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