
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A few notes...

Just a reminder that the assembly for Mrs. Traquair is on Thursday, January y 28th at 2pm. At this assembly, we will be saying a final good bye to our wonderful Principal, Mrs. Traquair. All parents and families are welcome!

Swimming forms were sent home Monday, and they are due on Friday, February 4th.  Please return them as soon as possible. If there are any questions or concerns with payment, please contact the office.

Today we started to discuss and plan a class magazine for our final science project on Animal Life Cycles.  Each student today chose a different animal from the wild, and will complete some pages to put into a class magazine.  They need to include a drawn picture of their animal (this will be done in-class later in the week), information on their animal's habitat and life cycle, as well as any information on adaptions, migration, or camouflage their animal might have or use.  They will also include 5 interesting facts about their animal.

We are still brainstorm ways to publish our magazine, stay tuned for more info!

Language Arts
Today we focused on word work, and worked the word families "-ot", "-ow" (eg. cow), and "-ow" (eg. row).  Special focus was paid attention to the differences between the last two word groups.  Word work allows us to practice our writing skills by looking at things such as word families and groups, blending sounds, and vowel combinations.  This will improve our reading and writing skills!

We continued to challenge our thinking of place values, and looked at this problem solving question today:
What do you know and what can you find out about the number 180?

Ask your child what they found out about 180! Have them show you at home all their possible answers. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Forms sent home!

Today two items were sent home with your child.  The first was a letter introducing our new principal, and the transition that will take place.  
The second was a permission form for a swimming program at Village Square Leisure Centre from February 22-26th.

Please ensure you read both items.  The permission form for swimming is due on February 4th.

Language Arts
Today we did some word work with the word families "-aw" and "-en".  Have your child make a list of 3-letter words using the word groups! We also looked at several examples of narrative writing (telling an even using "I" and "My"), and critiqued them.  We will be starting to work on our own narrative pieces this week!
We also practiced our reading with our Guided Reading groups, and we focused on comprehension. We went over strategies to figure out the meaning of a word if you don't understand what it means, by using clues in the sentence, or picture to help us understand.

In math we started a new question:
I am thinking of a number between 10 and 100 with a single 9 in it. What might my number be?

Ask your child to show you how the solved this problem, and the strategies they used!

Today we finished looking at life cycles.  We reviewed characteristics of the classifications "mammals" and "reptiles".  The students then had to use clues based on what they know and create their own life cycles for mammals and reptiles.

In health we continued to work on healthy interactions with peers and adults.  We talked about eye contact and why its important during conversation.  The students were paired off, one was the speaker and one was the listener.  The speaker had to talk about what they had done in the day, and both listener and speaker practiced eye contact. We then discussed as a class how it felt if someone was making good eye contact, or how it felt when there wasn't good eye contact.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Today the students finished up some artwork that we had started last Friday. We studied Canadian artist Ted Harrison, who makes paintings of the Yukon's arctic and tundra landscapes.  This has fit in perfectly with our discussions and work in science on habitats! Ted Harrison uses simple lines and shapes, and paints using warm and cool colours.  Take a look at some of our Ted Harrison artwork below!

Today we looked at the life cycles of a ladybug, and of a chicken.  We watched a video that shows how the chicken embryo develops in the egg!  We then drew the chicken life cycle in our science notebooks, and labeled it.
Ask your child to tell you about the 4 stages of a chicken's life cycle! 

We continued working on our two math questions from yesterday, based on place value knowledge.

Language Arts
Today we practiced word-work on the mini-whiteboards, and looked at word families "-un" and "-ig".  Ask your child what words can you make with these word families?

In health we continued to discuss healthy interactions with peers and adults. We looked at how and why we give compliments to someone, and practiced how to accept them ("Thank you", and "You're Welcome").

Today we started to learn badmington, and practiced our skills with controlling the birdie!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday in our classroom

The Grade 1/2 Assembly for Room 7 has been moved from Thursday, January 21st, to Thursday, January 28th at 2pm.  At this assembly, we will be saying a final good bye to our wonderful Principal, Mrs. Traquair as her last day is Friday, January 29th. All parents and families are welcome!

Today in Learning Commons Mrs. Reimer read a book to the class called "Ask Mia".  Mia worked with her friends on a school newspaper, and struggled with sportsmanship. She was very bossy with her friends, and put them down a lot.  In this book, we found out how Mia made better choices to become a good team player.
This was a great book because it fit in not only with our monthly theme, sportsmanship, but with our unit in health on healthy interactions with peers and adults!  The book also covered some math themes, and the students got to see how pictographs work when Mia's friends decided to do a survey for their school newspaper.

Ask your child:
-What was Mia doing in the beginning that showed she wasn't a team player?
-How did Mia's friends feel about her in the beginning?
-How did Mia change?
-How did Mia's friends feel at the end?
-How do you think Mia felt at the end?

Collaborative Learning is something that we work on in the classroom daily, and today Callie decided to read us a book she had just learned! Thank-you to Callie for your contribution, and thank you to the class for being supportive and attentive listeners!

Language Arts
We brought some student dictionaries back from the classroom, and so we practiced our dictionary skills on the smart board by putting words in alphabetical order according to the first, second, and sometimes third letter!

Today we learned all about the butterfly life cycle with a song! It's called "Butterfly, Butterfly!" and you can find it on YouTube! The students then had to draw and label the butterfly lifecycle in their science notebooks, based on what they had learned in the video.

The students were given a problem solving question to work on with their math partners.

What numbers can you make that are below 100 and have 6 in the tens place?

If they solved the problem, then we extended it to:
What numbers can you make that are below 1000 and have 6 in the tens place?

Ask your child to show you how they solved this problem and explain their thinking!  Ask them to use proper math language!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Field Trip - Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park with Bob Poole

Today was our field trip to Arts Common for the National Geographic Live presentation: Gorongosa Reborn! Bob Poole spoke about endangered animals, and conservation of the park to the students. He spoke about the history of the park and the effects humans have had on it.  He reviewed several species in the park which are struggling, and those which are starting to make a come back.  Mr. Poole heavily stressed the importance of conservation in continuing to bring animals back into the park, and for species over all of Africa. It was a wonderful presentation, with lots of information, and the students were very engaged!

Discuss with your child tonight:
-Why is conservation important?
-Why are national parks important to conservation?
-What animals did he talk about in the presentation, and why were they important to the park?
-What did you find the most interesting about the presentation?

Thank you to all our volunteers for your help today!

As promised, here are some pictures of curling from last week!



Monday, January 18, 2016

A few things to note...

Tomorrow is our field trip to National Geographic Live at Jack Singer - Arts Common, Tuesday, January 19th
*We leave at 9:15AM, and will return back by lunch time, 12PM.  However, if the bus is late, your child *may be home a few minutes later than usual.  You, or your child's daycare, will be contacted if this happens
*please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather in case the bus breaks down.

An important notice was sent home with your child on Friday, which explains the vaccination process for the prevention of contacting measles. VACCINE REMINDER! Please read both sides of the notice and contact the list of numbers on the page.  Thanks!

Today in Science we started to look at the life cycle of a frog, and discussed its animal classification and possible habitats.  Each student then drew, coloured, and labled a diagram showing their understanding of the topic.

In Math we continued to work with place values using manipulatives, and practiced regrouping numbers for addition and subtraction.

In Language Arts we did some word work with word families, and practiced reading new books in our guided reading groups.

Today in health we discussed healthy interactions with peers and adults, and modeled how to use tone and body language effectively.

Stay tuned tomorrow for some pictures on last weeks curling activities in gym! 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Please return field trip forms! Volunteers still needed!

Field trip forms are now past due!  Please make sure your child returns with them ASAP in order for them to be able to participate in the field trip.
Volunteers are still needed for the field trip as well.  If you have security clearance, and would like to volunteer for the field trip on Tuesday morning, please contact me at school.  There is a form that will also need to be filled out! 

Our artwork based on our math learning of 3 and 4 digit numbers, and place values, has made it on to the math board at school, and onto the new math blog! Take a look by clicking on the link below, or by accessing the math blog on the bar to the right!

Mathematics @ Vista Heights 

Language Arts
Today we continued practicing our writing skills, and continued to work on our paragraphs from Tuesday.  We focused today on editing by checking for capital letters, proper punctuation, spelling, and seeing where we could add descriptive words (adjectives) into our writing.

We continued completing the activity from yesterday to practice our place values using 3 and 4 digits. They had to write the number, make it (draw it), and expand it.

Today the students each chose one of the habitats we have been talking about so far, and in their science book they had to draw a diagram their chosen habitat.
They had to show the different environments found in their habitat, plants, and animals. They then had to label their diagram. We will be continuing this work tomorrow, as well as learning about one last habitat - grasslands!

Habitats we have learned so far:
Arctic (tundra)
Freshwater (lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, wetlands)
Rainforest (temperate and tropical)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Just a reminder that Field Trip forms for the Jack Singer Hall - Arts Commons Field Trip were due today! If your child's form has not been handed in yet, please ensure you send it in with them tomorrow morning (Thursday)

Language Arts
Today in Language Arts the students practiced their reading on the computers using RAZ kids

We learned about the forests and rain forests habitats, and compared their similarities and differences!
Ask your child to teach you about these two habitats, and how they are the same or different!  What animals and plants do you find in these habitats?

In Math, we practiced working with place values using 3-digit and 4-digit numbers.  Each student was given a dice, and were told to roll it and fill in their place values.  They then had to represent the number with a diagram, and practice writing it in extended form (eg 400 + 30 + 1 = 431).  The students found really enjoyed this activity!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Field Trip Forms and new Math Blog!

Just a reminder for all parents that field trip forms for the trip to Jack Singer - Arts Common are due tomorrow, Wednesday, January 13th! Please ensure your child comes to school with this form filled out.

Mrs. Brar has created a math blog to communicate the math learning at our school to the parents. She will be taking learning from around the school and posting questions, as well as links to online resources for parents, and math vocabulary.  Please make sure you take a look at it, whenever you read the class blog!  I will be adding a link to the page on the right side of the blog for quick access.

Today in Science we learned about ocean and freshwater habitats. The students then had to create a ven diagram comparing how the two were similar and different.

At home tonight, ask your child to teach you about ocean and freshwater habitats. Ask them what kind of plants and animals they might find in these habitats.

In language arts, we continued to work on our paragraph writing.  The students were given a picture, and they then had to brainstorm word ideas for the picture.  Using their brainstorming webs, they had to create a topic sentence, 3 details, and a concluding sentence. We will continue to work on this tomorrow as well.

In Gym, the students are learning about Curling!  Stay tuned later this week for some photos of their gym activities!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Just a reminder for all that Monday is a PD Day for the students, so we will see everyone back on Tuesday!

Also, Field Trip forms are due back by next week, on Wednesday, January 13th!

In Language Arts today we reviewed our paragraph format and created a paragraph as a class on  "How to dress for winter".  We also worked in our guided reading groups, and practiced reading for fluency - reading without stopping.

For Math, we played a card game where we practiced identifying our place values, and saying the whole number.  The students had a lot of fun with this!
Have your child teach you this card game at home, and play it with them. 

During Science, we reviewed our animal classifications, and started to learn about different habitats and how those affect the different animals, and their adaptations for their environments.  We looked at deserts and arctic habitats!
Ask your child to tell you about the two habitats we learned about today, and what makes them special.

Today in art we practiced our place values from math!  Students were asked to pick a number using 4 place values, and then to colour code each place value.  They then drew lines using pastels (vertical, horizontal, right diagonal, and left diagonal) to represent the 4 different place values in their 4-digit number.

Can you see the number 8976?

Can you see the number 8279?

Can you see the number 8335?

Have a safe and wonderful weekend, and see everyone back on Tuesday! 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Form sent home

Today a form was sent home with the students regarding an upcoming field trip on January 19th to the Jack Singer - Art Commons.  Please check your child's backpack, and return the form by Wednesday, January 13th (next week).

In Language Arts this week, we have started to take our first steps towards writing a paragraph.  We are focusing on using a topic sentence, 3 sentences relating to the topic, and a closing sentence.  We have studied many examples, and have come up with paragraphs as a class.  Today, each student started to write their own paragraph about one animal classification they have learned in science.

Ask your child what their paragraph is about.  

During math, we have continued to focus on place values.  Today we looked at working with number form, expanded form, and word form for numbers using three digits, and four digits.

Show your parents an example of each form (number, expanded, and word) at home.  Explain to them what each one means. Make sure to use your math language!  

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Today in the learning commons, Mrs. Reimer read a book called "Mia Hamm: Winners Never Quit!" as our virtue of the month is Sportsmanship! In this book, Mia hates loosing at soccer more than quitting.  So whenever she thinks she is going to lose, Mia just quits instead.  One day, she is told quitters can't play, you have to learn how to lose. She soon figures out that she loves soccer more than quitting, and Mia learns how to lose gracefully, and is able to display good sportsmanship with her teammates!

Ask your child:
Why is sportsmanship important?
When do you need to have good sportsmanship?  Is it only for sports?
Where else can we use this virtue?

This week, we have started a new unit in science on Animal Life Cycles. Yesterday, the students learned about the different classifications of animals and why this is important to their various life cycles.  Over the next few days, they will be drawing an example of an animal from each classification, and writing what they know about that classification underneath the picture.  The students are really enjoying this unit!

Classifications  - Ask your child to define and explain each classification! 

Science Vocubulary - These are some vocabulary words that we have started to introduce this week.  Please go over these vocabulary words with your child at home!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcome back!

Welcome back from Winter Break! My apologies for posting this a day late, the first day back was very busy!  We got right back into routine!

Yesterday, a January calendar was sent home to each family, as well as another important letter.

Tomorrow is Library Day for Room 1, please ensure that any library books at home are returned to school.

This week, we started a new science unit.  For the month of January, we will be focusing on Animal Life Cycles!  The students are very excited about this unit.

Please to continue to check the blog daily for more updates this week!

Again, welcome back to a new year of learning!