
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday November 3, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting
Science: LEGO 'Architectural Design' building centers
Math: new problem-solving strategy 'guess, check, revise'
Gym - 5 laps, student-led stretches, mini indoor soccer game
Story: 'Who Moved My Cheese'
Music: pls see music blog
Body Break
Literacy: Capitalization and end punctuation exercises

Ask me: 
- what my group built in our LEGO design centre today
- about the message from our 'Who Moved My Cheese' story
- what our music learning task was
- what kinds of ending punctuation do I know
- what is the math problem-solving strategy I learned today

- License plate math game (described in an earlier blog) practicing addition and subtraction basic facts for speed and accuracy

Reminders and Notices: 
- Learning Commons book exchange tomorrow *bring all library books to renew or exchange*!!!
- Choir tomorrow
- Kids World dinner and activities tonight
- Grade 2 students, please return signed dental forms by November 9
- Pls return Digital Champions Club forms if interested in joining this lunch time club

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