
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Constable Scott visits the classroom!

Sorry for the missed blog post yesterday!

This week, Constable Scott came into our class to talk to the students about the S4 Program - "Start Smart, Stay Safe".

He taught the students about being safe, and talked about how he keeps himself and others safe on the job.  His two most important tools to keep himself and others safe were his heart, and his brain. He read them a story that said it was ok to feel, but not ok to do - its ok to be angry, but not ok to act on it.

Constable Scott told the children about the emotional scale, starting at 1 - calm, and going up to 5 - out of control. He helped the students strategize different ways to stop and calm themselves back down to a level 1, before they get to a level 4 or 5.
The class enjoyed listening to Constable Scott, and creating their own emotional scale at the end of the presentation.

                                                 Creating our own Emotional Scales!

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