
Monday, November 30, 2015

Today a notice was sent home with the students regarding an internal practice lockdown tomorrow (Tuesday).

Also, parent teacher conferences are this Thursday evening, and Friday morning!  Please make sure you schedule a conference time to discuss your child's learning.  You can schedule a conference through the link below:


Today we were very lucky to have a presentation from Kananaskis in the Classroom.  We had a wonderful drama and song presentation which taught us all about the jobs of red and carpenter ants in the ecosystem. The students learned about the various stages of an ants life, their jobs and purposes, and the symbiosis (working relationship) between ants and other insect species.  It was very informative!

The Fairy Ant Mother, and Pupa, describing the Ant Life Cycle 

Learning how Ants defend from predators like wasps....we
even had help from a couple of teachers! 

Defending against the wasp!

Learning about Symbiosis - the working relationship between ants
and other insects such as aphids or caterpillars 

The Queen Ant and male ants

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