
Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday November 2, 2015

Today's Learning:
Class meeting
Math: points from last week, multiple number addition and subtraction sentences, tallies
Science: soil, decomposition and recycling exit slip
Gym: 5 laps, stretching, ball skills - soccer mini game
Science: LEGO building, next centre
Body Break
Literacy: new virtue - 'gentleness' bookmarks

Ask me: 
- what does the virtue 'gentleness' mean?
- how many points I received last week

Reminders and Notices: 
We will be going on a field trip to Fort Calgary on November 16th, all day.  If you have security clearance and would like to accompany us, we are in need of 2 volunteers.  Pls send a note with your child if you are interested.
Hot Soup tomorrow
YMCA tomorrow
Kids World dinner and activities tomorrow
- please check your child's backpack for a notice to participate in our DIGITAL CHAMPIONS Club each week on Monday and Friday lunch hour.  The first meeting is on Friday!  I hope all of my students will be interested in joining, as this will be a very fun club
-  Grade 2 students, please return signed dental forms by November 9
- Purdy's Chocolate orders - in backpack
- November Newsletter - goes home with youngest student in family

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