
Friday, December 18, 2015

Room 1 World Fair

Our World Fair today was a huge success, all the students did a fantastic job, and they received many wonderful compliments.  Thank you to all the parents and family who came to support us, the students loved seeing you! I am very proud of all the students, and the incredible hard work they put into this project.  Wishing you a safe, wonderful and happy winter break, and I will see you in the New Year!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

PJ's for home!

Today every student in the school received a new pair of pajamas to bring home.  These were donated by the Vista Heights Action Committee as way to give back to the Vista Heights neighbourhood! A big thank you to them for their wonderful donation!

Tomorrow is our World Fair, we were very busy all day preparing and putting the final touches on our project! We hope to see you there tomorrow morning!

Today was also the last day of In-line skating!  The students had lots of fun practicing their skating skills this week, and are looking forward to family skate night tonight!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

End of the week notes!

Just a reminder that tomorrow will be the student's last day to work on our Social Studies maps before our World Fair on Friday.

If you have time tonight, and are able, please look through photos of your child's country and print them out so they can add them to their map collage.  Their maps are quite large.  Photos the students were asked to look for include photos of landscape, the people, buildings, traditional clothes, and food.

If your child has traditional clothing to wear, that is great! Send it in with them on Friday.  If you are planning to attend our World Fair, please send in the form with your child tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow (Thursday) is the last day for In-line skating, and the family skate night is in the evening. If you have not done so, please return your green form for family skate night.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Social Studies reminders

Just a reminder to parents to please go through pictures on the computer with your child, for their country, and have them bring pictures (school appropriate) in for their map collage!  Pictures should be brought in by Wednesday, or Thursday the latest, so your child has time to add them to their map.

Last week in health, we learned about eating healthy and healthy habits.  So the students could better understand, this week we took our snacks and practiced reading the labels for ingredients, calories, and sugar.  We then measured the sugar content of various snacks, so the students could visualize the amount of sugar actually in their food.  They had a lot of fun with this, and were very surprised with the results!

Take a look below at our results!

Today was day #3 of In-line skating, only two more days left! The class is getting faster and better each day at putting on their gear, and their skating skills are quickly improving. Take a look at how much fun we are having!

Monday, December 14, 2015

This weeks events!

This week we are continuing to work hard on our social studies maps! Please take time at home to look through pictures of your child's chosen country with them and have them bring those in Tuesday or Wednesday so they can add them to their map collage.  Please make sure they are on regular printer paper, and not photo paper, as this is better for cutting and gluing. Also please return the form stating what time, if able to, you will be coming to our class world fair on Friday! If you have traditional clothing for your country, please make sure your child brings it to wear on Friday!  Please do not worry if you don't, this is not a requirement.

Students were reminded that Friday is pajama day, and they can bring ONE stuffy (if they want to), provided it can fit in their backpacks and that it is not a distraction to themselves or their peers. 

Alien In-line skating continues this week.  If you have not returned your green form for family skate night on Thursday evening, please do so ASAP!

Here are a few pictures of In-line skating from today! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

We have a class math project we will work on!  Because next Friday we will be having a Pajama Day (Dec. 18), we have decided that we will create a graph showing our classes' different sizes of pajamas! We will be able to study this graph for any patterns that may appear.  Please discuss this with your child, and let them know what size of pajamas they wear, so that tomorrow we can start plotting our information on the graph!

Another reminder that there are still forms for the Alien In-Line skating to be returned!  If your child wants to participate on Friday, that yellow form needs to be returned to school ASAP!  If you plan on attending the family skate night next week, please return the green form in order to book your spot.

We are almost ready to start our Social Studies project! Please take time to discuss your child's country with them, and to help them find pictures to use for the collage portion of their project!  I will bring in as many travel magazines as possible, but they may still need some help from home for this portion.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Today, information was sent home regarding the social studies project, our classroom World Fair! Please make sure you check your child's school bag and read through the information.
If you have traditional clothing for your child to wear to our World Fair, please encourage your child to do so!  They can bring it to school, change into for the Fair, and then change back after.  If you do not have any traditional clothing, please, do NOT worry, this is not required!

Please make sure that all students who want to do the Alien In-Line skating have returned their yellow forms! Alien In-Line skating starts this Friday, so please send in the permission forms ASAP!

Also, please return the green forms for Family Skate-night!  There are two times available, and limited skates available for use, so it is on a first-come first-served basis.  If you want to ensure there are skates available at your chosen family skate time, please return these green forms ASAP.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Monday and Good Morning!

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful weekend.  Thank you to all who came in for Parent-Teacher conferences.  It was nice to meet everyone!

Alien In-line skating starts this Friday! Please make sure your child is dressed to skate - they must wear socks to skate, avoid loose pants (tripping hazard), and bring your own helmet if you have one. All other equipment is provided.

Stay tuned in the next couple of days for more information regarding our up-coming Social Studies project! Information will be sent home with your child sometime this week.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tonight and tomorrow are Parent-Teacher conferences!  I can't wait to meet all of you, and discuss your child's learning!  If you have not signed up, or need to change your time, please call the school to make an appointment!

Tomorrow there is no school for the students, due to the conferences.

Purdy's orders have arrived, you will receive them at parent-teacher conferences.

Please make sure you return all green Inline Skating forms for the family skate night!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra in the Classroom

JUST A REMINDER THAT PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES ARE TOMORROW EVENING, AND FRIDAY MORNING.  If you have not already done so, please make sure you sign up for a time to discuss your child's learning.

As a follow-up to our field trip to see the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra's production of Beatrix Potters "Peter Rabbit and Friends", we had a musician come into the school today and teach us about his instrument.

Christ brought with him his bassoon, as well as a flute and clarinet.  He showed the students how the bassoon works, and how he makes his reed (the bassoon's mouthpiece).  He played several pieces for us too, and sang some songs with the students.

Chris showing us the clarinet

The bassoon!!

Learning how Chris makes his reeds for the bassoon

The reed - the mouthpiece for the bassoon

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December's newsletter and calendar was sent home today!  Please make sure you take a moment to read through it.

A form for the Alien In-Line Family Skate Evening was also sent home.  Please complete the form and return it to school.  Choose one time to skate, and another time to go to the music room to sing (for the other time).

Friday, December 18th - FREE PIZZA LUNCH
We have a generous and anonymous donor who wishes to purchase a pizza lunch for our school. Starting tomorrow (Wednesday) Mrs. McCrae will visit students to ask them for their choice of pizza (cheese, pepperoni, or Hawaiian).  The lunch will also include juice and a snack. If you do NOT want your child to be served the free pizza lunch, please notify me of this.

If you have not done so already, please make sure you sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences, they will be taking place on Thursday evening and Friday morning (only 2 days away)!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Today a notice was sent home with the students regarding an internal practice lockdown tomorrow (Tuesday).

Also, parent teacher conferences are this Thursday evening, and Friday morning!  Please make sure you schedule a conference time to discuss your child's learning.  You can schedule a conference through the link below:


Today we were very lucky to have a presentation from Kananaskis in the Classroom.  We had a wonderful drama and song presentation which taught us all about the jobs of red and carpenter ants in the ecosystem. The students learned about the various stages of an ants life, their jobs and purposes, and the symbiosis (working relationship) between ants and other insect species.  It was very informative!

The Fairy Ant Mother, and Pupa, describing the Ant Life Cycle 

Learning how Ants defend from predators like wasps....we
even had help from a couple of teachers! 

Defending against the wasp!

Learning about Symbiosis - the working relationship between ants
and other insects such as aphids or caterpillars 

The Queen Ant and male ants

Friday, November 27, 2015

Holidays and Celebrations Around the World

Reminder:  Please make sure you fill out the form on your child's ancestry/origin and return by Monday, November 30th! 

This morning, we broke into groups to learn about different celebrations and holidays around the World.  I asked that students pick a holiday that they themselves do not celebrate, so that they could learn about something new! The students read through their books, became experts about their holiday, and then prepared a small presentation on their celebration/festival.  Each group got to present theirs to the class, and answer questions.  Everyone did an excellent job on this!

At home, ask your child to tell you about "their" holiday/celebration!

These are the holidays and celebrations we learned about:

-Cinco de Mayo 
-Chinese New Year
-Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr

Learning about Chinese New Years
Learning about Diwali

Learning about Christmas

Learning about Hanukkah

Learning about Kwanzaa

Learning about Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Art in Room 1!

On our field trip to Fort Calgary, we learned about using shapes to draw and capture action and movement. For this art project, we had various classmates pose in action, and then drew them using the shapes you see in the middle of their artwork. Then we drew small lines around our shape using different colours, until we filled up the page. This makes our movement stand out! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Communities in the World

The students are learning about Communities in the World for Social Studies.  We have created a map wall in the classroom, and are charting our family backgrounds to discover where in the world our class comes from.

The students have been asked to find out about their family backgrounds, and were sent home with a paper to fill out.  Please take a moment to discuss this with your child, and send the paper back so we chart it on our map!  If you are unsure where to start, try researching your last name to find out a potential country in your child's ancestry.

I would love to have every child's ancestry charted out on our map wall by Friday! The class is very excited about this project! Today we got started mapping out those who returned their forms, take a look at what we have so far!