
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

We have a class math project we will work on!  Because next Friday we will be having a Pajama Day (Dec. 18), we have decided that we will create a graph showing our classes' different sizes of pajamas! We will be able to study this graph for any patterns that may appear.  Please discuss this with your child, and let them know what size of pajamas they wear, so that tomorrow we can start plotting our information on the graph!

Another reminder that there are still forms for the Alien In-Line skating to be returned!  If your child wants to participate on Friday, that yellow form needs to be returned to school ASAP!  If you plan on attending the family skate night next week, please return the green form in order to book your spot.

We are almost ready to start our Social Studies project! Please take time to discuss your child's country with them, and to help them find pictures to use for the collage portion of their project!  I will bring in as many travel magazines as possible, but they may still need some help from home for this portion.

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