
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Social Studies reminders

Just a reminder to parents to please go through pictures on the computer with your child, for their country, and have them bring pictures (school appropriate) in for their map collage!  Pictures should be brought in by Wednesday, or Thursday the latest, so your child has time to add them to their map.

Last week in health, we learned about eating healthy and healthy habits.  So the students could better understand, this week we took our snacks and practiced reading the labels for ingredients, calories, and sugar.  We then measured the sugar content of various snacks, so the students could visualize the amount of sugar actually in their food.  They had a lot of fun with this, and were very surprised with the results!

Take a look below at our results!

Today was day #3 of In-line skating, only two more days left! The class is getting faster and better each day at putting on their gear, and their skating skills are quickly improving. Take a look at how much fun we are having!

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