
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Today, information was sent home regarding the social studies project, our classroom World Fair! Please make sure you check your child's school bag and read through the information.
If you have traditional clothing for your child to wear to our World Fair, please encourage your child to do so!  They can bring it to school, change into for the Fair, and then change back after.  If you do not have any traditional clothing, please, do NOT worry, this is not required!

Please make sure that all students who want to do the Alien In-Line skating have returned their yellow forms! Alien In-Line skating starts this Friday, so please send in the permission forms ASAP!

Also, please return the green forms for Family Skate-night!  There are two times available, and limited skates available for use, so it is on a first-come first-served basis.  If you want to ensure there are skates available at your chosen family skate time, please return these green forms ASAP.

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