
Monday, December 14, 2015

This weeks events!

This week we are continuing to work hard on our social studies maps! Please take time at home to look through pictures of your child's chosen country with them and have them bring those in Tuesday or Wednesday so they can add them to their map collage.  Please make sure they are on regular printer paper, and not photo paper, as this is better for cutting and gluing. Also please return the form stating what time, if able to, you will be coming to our class world fair on Friday! If you have traditional clothing for your country, please make sure your child brings it to wear on Friday!  Please do not worry if you don't, this is not a requirement.

Students were reminded that Friday is pajama day, and they can bring ONE stuffy (if they want to), provided it can fit in their backpacks and that it is not a distraction to themselves or their peers. 

Alien In-line skating continues this week.  If you have not returned your green form for family skate night on Thursday evening, please do so ASAP!

Here are a few pictures of In-line skating from today! 

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