
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Today's Learning:
- Gym - gymnastics: Exploration of new obstacle course. working with a partner, objective is to NOT touch any of the distractions (rubber chickens, balls, pylons, stuffies, skipping ropes, noodles, etc and to go throughout the course in absolute silence for concentration :)
Music - pls see music blog
Science - laptops to write up our SMART Board notebook pages for our animal research
Science - Plant Growth experiment - making a prediction, documenting growth with the camera, recording any changes
Math - writing large numbers, using a hyphen

Ask me:
- what the best part of my day was?  Ask me why.
- how I am practicing this month's virtue 'cleanliness'
- how to write these numbers: eight, seventy-eight, ninety-four, thirty-seven, thousand, three hundred, twenty-two, sixty-five, eighty-nine and CHALLENGE ME WITH OTHER NUMBERS!!!

- PIZZA lunch tomorrow
- Digital Champions Club' notice for all students - due March 31 if your child would like to participate
- no school tomorrow on Friday due to PD Day!
- Spring break coming up!

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