
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday March 17, 2016

Today's Learning:
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Math: 'Hide and Seek' place value game - find the corresponding number
Class Story: Irish - 'Fiona's Luck'
Learning Commons - book exchange
Individual, silent reading
Class meeting - several students celebrating/sharing their reading progress
Whole school assembly
Reward time - CONGRATULATIONS ROOM 1 FOR FILLING THE POM POM JAR - your reward is 15 minutes of an activity of choice (students chose from: iPad, iPod, puzzle, cards, coloring, or reading)
Science - plant growth documentation: picture, sketch and written description
Math: place value reflection and post assessment

Ask me:
- about the assembly today - what was the theme? what was my favorite part
- how I model superior 'digital citizenship'

- 'Digital Champions Club' notice for all students - due March 31 if your child would like to participate
- no school tomorrow on Friday due to PD Day!
- Spring break - enjoy some time off, see you on *TUESDAY March 29!

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