
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday March 31, 2016

Today's Learning:
- Independent silent reading
- Gym: Warmup: 3 or 5 running laps, 'Rainbow Road'
- Music: pls see music blog
- Math: Place Value Collage Reflection
- Health: Safety Posters (Fire Safety/Prevention, Sun Safety, First Aid, Pedestrian Safety, Bicycle Safety)
- Body break: Jumpstart dance-play
- Math: pre-assessment for 2, 3, 4 digit addition "Show what you know"

Ask me:
- did I participate in the lunch hour club 'Digital Champions'?  If so, what is the virtue I will be representing? What technology will I be using to represent my understanding?

- School newsletter in backpack of youngest or only child

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday March 30, 2016

Today's Learning:
- Independent silent reading
- Gym: Students learned another GPS warm-up: ‘Jumpstart’.   https://vimeo.com/user23434351/review/155326426/4a876be2ca
This ‘dance-play'’ addresses various locomotor movements: jumping, hopping and leaping while working cooperatively with others
- Learning Commons Book exchange
Science: "Day 17 Bean Growth Observations" - sketch and descriptive sentences
Music - pls see music blog
Body break - Just Dance 'I get a good feeling', introduction to children's concentration/meditation
Math - adding 2 digit numbers

Ask me:
- to show you how I can add the following:  22+47    41+32    64+23
- what library books I chose today.  Can we sit down and I can read one to you?
- to upload the fun 'JumpStart' dance-play I learned today
- ask me how to concentrate on a cat, dog, family member

- 'Digital Champions Club' begins on tomorrow!  Those who normally go home to eat lunch are reminded to bring lunch on tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday March 29, 2016


Today's Learning:
Independent silent reading
Gym: GPS (General Play Skills) *new gym program: 'Rainbow Road' students explore travel in various ways around the gym racetrack, i.e: crawl, skip, crawl, run, jump, bear walk, penguin walk using various levels: high/low and various speeds: fast/slow. Students touch beanbag coulour pattern that the teacher/leader calls out.  Locomotor skills used to raise the heartbeat
Science: "Day 16 Bean Growth Observations"
Science/S.S. - laptops - typing of animal research in SMART notebook file
Music - pls see music blog
Body break - 'Wake and Shake'
extra music/small group of students to Mrs. Brar for math

Ask me:
- what happened in our 'Earth Box' over the break?
- how we play the 'Rainbow Road'?

- 'Digital Champions Club' begins on Thursday!  those who normally go home to eat lunch are reminded to bring lunch on Thursday
- Book Exchange tomorrow - pls bring all library books for renewal or exchange

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday March 17, 2016

Today's Learning:
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Math: 'Hide and Seek' place value game - find the corresponding number
Class Story: Irish - 'Fiona's Luck'
Learning Commons - book exchange
Individual, silent reading
Class meeting - several students celebrating/sharing their reading progress
Whole school assembly
Reward time - CONGRATULATIONS ROOM 1 FOR FILLING THE POM POM JAR - your reward is 15 minutes of an activity of choice (students chose from: iPad, iPod, puzzle, cards, coloring, or reading)
Science - plant growth documentation: picture, sketch and written description
Math: place value reflection and post assessment

Ask me:
- about the assembly today - what was the theme? what was my favorite part
- how I model superior 'digital citizenship'

- 'Digital Champions Club' notice for all students - due March 31 if your child would like to participate
- no school tomorrow on Friday due to PD Day!
- Spring break - enjoy some time off, see you on *TUESDAY March 29!

Wednesday March 16, 2016

Today's Learning:
Music - pls see music blog
Class meeting
Science - typing up animal research using the SMART Notebook application
Class Story: 'Arthur and the Minimoys'
Science - plant growth documentation: picture, sketching and written description
Math - spelling my large number with words and self-reflection

Ask me:
- to write my large number
- how our science experiment is changing

- 'Digital Champions Club' notice for all students - due March 31 if your child would like to participate
- St. Patrick's Day tomorrow - wear green!
- no school tomorrow on Friday due to PD Day!
- Spring break coming up!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Today's Learning:
- Gym - gymnastics: Exploration of new obstacle course. working with a partner, objective is to NOT touch any of the distractions (rubber chickens, balls, pylons, stuffies, skipping ropes, noodles, etc and to go throughout the course in absolute silence for concentration :)
Music - pls see music blog
Science - laptops to write up our SMART Board notebook pages for our animal research
Science - Plant Growth experiment - making a prediction, documenting growth with the camera, recording any changes
Math - writing large numbers, using a hyphen

Ask me:
- what the best part of my day was?  Ask me why.
- how I am practicing this month's virtue 'cleanliness'
- how to write these numbers: eight, seventy-eight, ninety-four, thirty-seven, thousand, three hundred, twenty-two, sixty-five, eighty-nine and CHALLENGE ME WITH OTHER NUMBERS!!!

- PIZZA lunch tomorrow
- Digital Champions Club' notice for all students - due March 31 if your child would like to participate
- no school tomorrow on Friday due to PD Day!
- Spring break coming up!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday March 14, 2016

Today's Learning:
- Gym - gymnastics: *set up of new obstacle course. working with a partner, objective is to NOT touch any of the distractions (rubber chickens, balls, pylons, stuffies, skipping ropes, noodles, etc).
Science - laptops to write up our SMART Board notebook pages for our animal research
Science - Plant Growth experiment - setting up our Earth Box

Ask me:
- what we planted in our science experiment (red beans, black beans, Great Northern Beans)
- what we put in each side of our Earth Box (peat moss, fertilizer, and soil)
- what our Science experiment inquiry is ("Do worm castings help to make beans grow?")
- what a 'worm casting' is.

- some students saw the dental hygienist this morning.  *Pls check your child's backpack for any correspondence
- 'Digital Champions Club' notice for all students - due March 31 if your child would like to participate
- no school tomorrow on Friday due to PD Day!
- Spring break coming up!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday March 11, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - warmup: 3+ or 5 running laps, partner work preparing 'movement routine'
Music - pls see music blog
Class meeting - discussion and reflection re: yesterday's AMAZING field trip (check the discussion questions on yesterday's blog in the 'ask me' section
Science - laptops - typing of animal research in a SMART Notebook file
Math - writing math vocabulary and calculating the big number using base ten blocks
Body break - class stretches
continued math tasks from earlier....

Ask me:
- the questions from the blog yesterday

- March's virtue "cleanliness"

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday March 10, 2016

Today's Learning:
A fantastic field trip day for students in Room 1!! We had a wonderful day exploring TELUS SPARK Centre. *special thanks to our parent volunteers: Miss Kandi, Mr. Ron and Mrs. Myrt.

Ask me:
- to play the "I spy" game (but we can't use a color to describe it)
- what are the parts of a microscope? (stage, arm, head)
- what my favorite part of the day was.
- what a bug uses for an umbrella (leaf)
- what eats a Praying Mantis?
- what eats a butterfly? (Praying Mantis)
- what does 'sibling' mean? (brother or sisters)
- what bug has about 200 siblings?  (praying mantis)
- what is another name for 'bug'?
- what does "offspring" mean? (babies)
- why a Praying Mantis has fake eye spots? (to make them look like a snake)
- what does 'carnivore' mean?  (eats meat)
- what does 'herbivore' mean? (eats plants)
- what lady insect sometimes bites her boyfriend's head off? (praying mantis)
- to name some bugs that we learned about in our dome presentation (caterpillar, spider, centipede, praying mantis, grasshopper, beetle, cricket, aphid)
- how BIG the dome theatre screen was
- how big a fruit fly is (size of a crumb)
- what interesting questions I aced today

- last day for pizza orders tomorrow

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday March 9, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - gymnastics partner routine - using the criteria checklist and rating scale, students practiced and chose movements for their routine
back in the classroom.... students wrote out a sequence of the events
Class novel: Arthur and the Minimoys
Science/L.A. - typing up animal research paragraphs in the Learning Commons
Science: 'Little Green Thumbs' with Room 7 - worms, plants, soil.... so much fun!
Body break - High, low
Math - writing numbers and expanded notation

Ask me:
- what a worm casting is - YUCK!

- field trip trip TOMORROW to Telus SPARKS!  Many students still need to bring in their signed medical forms.
- last day for pizza orders Thursday

Monday March 8, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - 3+ running laps as warmup, partner practice for movement routine
Health - research projects shared, various informational videos watched to generate interest and activate learning
Movement break - LR Brain teaser
Math place value story book
Afternoon filled with art - math place value - representing large numbers. Thanks Miss Kandi for helping us today!

Ask me:
what big number I am representing in my art project

- field trip trip on Wednesday to Telus SPARKS!  Many students still need to bring in their signed medical forms.
- last day for pizza orders THURSDAY

Friday, March 4, 2016

Fri March 5, 2016

Today's Learning:
Class meeting - discussion regarding 'patience' and questions
Gym - gymnastics - partner work
Science - class check-in and writing of next paragraph "5 interesting facts"
whole school - independent D.E.A.R.
Buddy reading with Grade 1 students
Art - place value representation

Ask me:
- what number I am representing in my place value art
- what are the 3 primary colors? (yellow, blue, red)
- what colours are 'neutral'? (beige, grey, white, black, cream)
- what is a 'color wheel'?
- what does 'texture' mean?
- what does a 'solid' color mean?
- what does 'pattern' mean?

- several students still need to bring in their 'medical information' for this Wednesday's field trip

Thurs March 4, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - partner gymnastics
Music - pls see blog
whole school independent D.E.A.R
Health - class discussion and creation of project "I wonder....." questions to guide research
Science - writing of 'adaptation' paragraphs
Body break - class stretches and exercises
whole school D.E.A.R - another Vista Heights teacher comes to read to our class!

Ask me:
- how I modeled
- what kinds of questions did I ask today
- what book I am reading - what is it about?

- field trip notices due

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wed March 3, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - gymnastics: continued partner work - balances, travel, stretch
Learning Commons Book Exchange
Science/S.S. Research - planning our SMART Notebook page, composing paragraphs for classification, habitat, adaptations (camouflage/migration/hibernation), interesting facts
Student presentations on 'Water Safety'
Music - pls see music blog
Math - Brain Pop video on odd/even numbers & partner work playing a 'guess my number' game

Ask me:
- how I know an odd number is odd
- who I played with during recess
- how many laps I ran during the gym warmup - 3 or 5?
- what is another word for 'adapt'?  (change).  talk about the adaptations your child's research animal possesses and why.
- to login to Brain Pop and show you the odd/even video and the fun online activities I can do at home to practice

- pizza forms due
- field trip forms due

Tues March 1, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym: gymnastics: partner work: balances, stretches, balances and travel
Class meeting: 'What kinds of questions do we ask?' 'How can we ask more thoughtful questions?'
D.E.A.R. - independent silent reading
Body Break: L/R Brain Teaser, Hi low and new: Bim Bom
Science/S.S. Animal research project - introduction to SMART Notebook file to share research information
Class Story: Arthur and the Minimoys
Music - pls see music blog
D.E.A.R. - independent silent reading
Math: odd/even - working in pairs, using our body parts to demonstrate odd/even numbers, counting by twos and pairing base ten one blocks to demonstrate odd/even concept

Ask me:
- what kinds of questions I asked today?
- how I demonstrated patience today?
- to show you my favorite balance pose from our gymnastics cards
- to could by twos
- to tell you the difference between odd/even numbers - you call our a number and I'll tell you

- TELUS SPARKS - field trip notice in my backpack
- Pizza forms due
- free headline shampoo can be picked up from the Village Square Community Health Centre