
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday April 26, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym: dancing - can can, bird dance, bunny hop, hitch hiker, twist, Macarena, electric slide, Sunny Sunny.  LEAP mark
Science/Art - layers of the earth, creating the earth's layers in a plasticine model
Laptops: using 'Read and Write Gold' application to read difficult documents and websites
Guest presentation - Rikki - about our school garden
Music - pls see music blog
Body break
Math - Subtraction, Addition and multiplication centers

Ask me:
- What is my birthstone?
- what are the 2 annual plants that have already sprouted in our school garden? (chives and strawberries)
- what are the 4 layers of the earth? (inner core, utter core, mantle, crust)
- to show you the cool websites about the layers of the earth:
Brain Pop Junior:  user name: vistaheights    password:  brain pop
     - click: science      click:   land    click:  rocks and minerals
- about the fire drill this afternoon

- Earth Day was last Friday!
- Learning Commons Book Exchange tomorrow - pls bring all books for renewal or exchange

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