
Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday April 8, 2016

Today's Learning:
Class meeting: Mr. D subbing for Mrs. Turk today!

Gym - dance unit - introduction, Bunny Hop, Bird Dance, Hokey Pokey, Macarena, Sunny, Sunny, YMCA, car wash, LEAP mark
Class meeting: sharing and reading by individual students
Class novel: 'Arthur and the Minimoys'
Science: Bean Growth Observations
Art: Tissue paper butterflies and large group butterfly collage
*special thanks to Miss Kandi for volunteering and her art expertise

Ask me:
- about the cool butterfly art we did today
- how my bean is changing
- to show you the 'car wash dance'

- Digital Champions on Monday lunch time, for those who attend
- **** pls send any paper towel or toilet paper rolls to school, as we are collecting for a craft.

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