
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Monday June 13, 2016

Today's Learning:
 Gym - 3-5 running laps
Class meeting - individual reading aloud to class
Art - prep for sand application this afternoon
Art - glue and sand stations

Ask me:
how cool my art is

- please bring all library books back for tomorrow!!

Friday June 11, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - 3-5 running laps, TV tag, intro to belly kickball
Class meeting
Literacy - RAZ Reading online reading program
Art - native sand art

Ask me:
- about the first nations sand art we are making?  what is my animal?


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday June 10, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - 3-5 running laps, lacrosse game
Music - pls see music blog
Guest Presentation - Calgary Public Library
Class meeting - sharing circle about why our gym class was cut short
Art - Haida sand art - adding form lines, patterns and shapes
Health posters - peer feedback
Body break - outside with the parachute
Math - fractions, filling glass vases with water

Ask me:
- about my Haida art
- about the Library presentation

- Library handout in backpack

The school year is almost done.        
All books are due back in the
Learning Commons  on or before

June 13, 2016.

Wednesday June 9, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - 3-5 running lap warmup
Learning Commons Book Exchange
RAZ Reading - online
Music - pls see music blog
Body break - outside, parachute
Math - fractions: 1/2, 1/2, 1/4 and a whole

Ask me:
- to explain a fraction
- how I demonstrated responsibility during our parachute fun outside


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Monday June 6, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - 3-5 running laps, lacrosse passing skills, group game
Literacy - 'Dear Summer' letter writing.  how to write a proper letter, addressing, body and closing, (P.S.)
Art - intro to Haida art. powerpoint and samples of our upcoming sand project
Outside body break
continued literacy work - letter to Summer

Ask me:
- what is Haida art? where do the Haida people live?

CBE notice in backpack

Tuesday June 7, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - 3-5 running laps, scoop and ball skills with partner
Art - watercolor wash and volcano/mountain foreground silhouette
Health Safety posters - checking with criteria checklist
Body break - outside parachute games
Math - intro to fractions: whole half, quarter, third. visual representation using the wipe boards 

Ask me:
- to show you an under-handed throw, overhanded throw
- to divide a circle into 2, 3 and 4 equal parts

casino notice in backpack

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Thursday June 3, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - 3 -5 running laps, lacrosse skills (overhand, underhand throws and catching)
Music - pls see music blog
Literacy - Pizza Poetry Response 'Pizza Beast'
Class meeting - individual students reading to classmates
                       - discussion of June's virtue: humility
                       - video
Body break - outside for a run and games
Creative Writing - humility bookmarks

Ask me:
- what humility means.  can I give you an example?
- if I enjoyed PIZZA DAY????!!!
- to tell you about the Pizza Beast
- to tell you about my Pizza Beast writing

- no school tomorrow (PD Day)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday June 2, 2016

Today's Learning:
Gym - 3 - 5 laps, hot dog tag, spider tag
Learning Commons story with Mrs. Reimer is reading 'Topper Cats'
Health - finishing up Health posters with partners
Music - pls see music blog
Body break - outside run then playground
Extra music - pls see music blog

Ask me:
- if I brought the health poster home tonight to work on
- to tell you the time

- no school Friday due to PD day
- Pizza day tomorrow for those who ordered
- CBE Transportation letter and pink school newsletter in backpack of youngest sibling or only child

Tuesday June 1, 2016

Today's Learning:
Class meeting -Mr. D in today
Gym - 3 - 5 running laps, toilet tag, 2 games of floor hockey
Science - Rocks and minerals review
Literacy - RAZ Reading on the laptops
Guest Presentation - Little Green Thumbs
Music - pls see music blog
Body Break - Hang Man
Math - time with the clocks and white boards

Ask me:
- what the June virtue is? (humility)

- no school on Friday (PD Day)